You’ll learn many different uses of the word set so that you can set your mind to using it in many situations.
So, set yourself down in a nice comfortable chair and learn about set in this episode.
Voice message from Carlos from Ecuador
Ecuador – AIRC254
Voice message from Denis from Honduras
Voice message from Marcela from Argentina
to pass away (passed away – pronunciation)
to grow up with pets (grow-grew-grown)
loving, cute, reliable, loyal, Yorkshire terrier
He will always be in my heart
whistles catcalls, coughs, sneezes
Veterinary Vocabulary and Expressions with Pets – AIRC97
Different Uses of SET
The word SET is the word with most meanings in the English language. Therefore, it has the longest dictionary entry in the Oxford English dictionary. (The 1989 edition uses 60,000 words just to define all the meanings of SET!)
A set of something (a group or collection of similar things) a set of cups and saucers – noun
To win a set (tennis) – noun
“Game, set and match!”
A film set – (noun) to be on set / the film is set in Paris (verb)
Are you all set? (ready) – adjective
A TV/radio set – noun
A set of badgers – noun
A set of (playing) cards – noun
Liquids set to become solid – verb
The sun sets – (verb)
to set a date (to fix or establish) / to set homework / a price / an example / an agenda – verb
To set (something) in motion – verb
to set off in the morning. – phrasal verb
to set out (on a journey) – phrasal verb
to set something down somewhere – phrasal verb
I’m set on taking the exam (strongly in favour) – phrasal verb
My wife’s set against me buying a Ferrari – phrasal verb
To set about doing something – phrasal verb
to be set against something – to be strongly against something – phrasal verb
to set up a business/equipment – phrasal verb
to set up a person – phrasal verb: 1) put someone in a good position; 2) to frame someone
To set aside something – phrasal verb = to set something to one side
A set piece
The jet set
A setback
To set your mind to something / To set your heart on something
To set something on fire / set fire to something
To set sail
To set something on fire – To set fire to something
To set the table (lay the table)
To set a broken arm or leg
To set foot (somewhere)
To set a trap
To set the scene
To set the stage (for something/someone)
To be set in stone
To be set in your ways
To set a precedent
To set the pace
To set something/someone free
To set an alarm/thermostat etc.
To set an example
To set someone straight (on something) – to correct someone by providing accurate information
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Drinking idioms and expressions
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’