Heh man, chill out, let your hair down and take it easy. Brothers and sisters, we hope you all come together and really dig this groovy episode on hippies and flower power.
Voice message from Francesco from Chile
Well done for saying ‘piece of advice’!
He already speak(s) English really good (well)
It’s hard to (for) me (to) speak fluently
Flower power (Cambridge dictionary) “The ideas and beliefs of some young people in the 1960s and 1970s who opposed war and encouraged people to love each other.”
A “hippy/hippie” or “flower child” was the name for these followers of this new Flower Power culture.
Hippy/hippie comes from the adjective “hip” – cool, aware of the latest trends, etc.
“Hipsters” are not to be confused with hippies! Modern-day hipsters are typically bohemian, but affluent young people living in gentrified neighbourhoods, but with no obvious philosophy on life.
Hippies were all about freedom, going against the mainstream, communal living, being your true self but without egoism and, above all, love and peace.
If you want to know more about hipsters, we spoke about them in AIRC102 in the episode about lifestyles (millennials, Generation X, Yuppies etc).
It (probably) all started in California, in the 60s, especially around San Francisco. But the origins go back to the Beat Generation of the 50s and writers like Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac.
London became a colourful city after post-war depression (King’s Road, Kensington and Carnaby Street were famous 60s hotspots). Paris was another important hippy centre.
The Beatles – led the musical invasion of the US. Other greats of the time include Bob Dylan, The Stones, The Grateful Dead, Joan Baez, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Who, The Kinks, The Doors, The Small Faces, Simon & Garfunkel, and many more legendary acts.
Mary Quant’s miniskirt (models like Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton)
Sexual liberation and the anti-nuclear movement
The Woodstock Festival of 1969 attracted 400,000 festival-goers. It was billed as “An Aquarian Exposition: 3 days of Peace & Music”. An iconic moment in the history of Flower Power.
YouTube – Woodstock 1969:
Useful vocabulary
Good/Bad vibes
Free love
A commune – communal
Flares – flared trousers
To burn your bra
To dig something/someone
To get/be high (on drugs?)
To smoke pot/weed/dope – marijuana/cannabis
To drop acid – LSD
Psychedelia – psychedelic
To trip out – to be on a trip
Inner consciousness
Anti-war protest – a protester
Demo – demonstration – a demonstrator
e.g. There was an anti-Vietnam war demo here in 1968.
Square, straight – not hip
“Turn on, tune in, drop out”
New Age (traveller)
Famous quotes
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” (Jimmi Hendrix)
“If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the ’60s, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal.” (John Lennon)
“A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.” (Ronald Reagen)
“Give a hippie too much money and anything can happen.” (Neil Young)
“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find peace of mind is waiting there.” (George Harrison)
“They won’t give peace a chance, that’s just a dream some of us had.” (Joni Mitchell)
Musical snippets of hippy culture
San Francisco – Scott Mckenzie Lyrics:
Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin’:
All you need is love – The Beatles:
One of Reza’s favourite rock songs of all time :
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Zoom, Skype and internet conferencing vocabulary
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
WuChi by Airtone – Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 1(3.0) license.
Photo by Abhinav Chadha on Unsplash