Do you have green fingers? When was the last time you weeded the garden? Life’s not always a bed of roses, but if you listen to this podcast about gardening vocabulary, it might sow a few seeds of curiosity and help you on the way to improving your English.
Voice message from Monica from Valencia
I HAVE BEEN learning English for about three years.
Good use of the phrasal verb ‘to come across’
pronunciation of ‘since’
Chocolate – AIRC353
Pronunciation of cinnamon
I had no idea there’s a chocolate museum in Sueca: https://chocolatescomes.com/museo-del-chocolate/?lang=en
Gardening tools & equipment
A shed (toolshed) – cobertizo, caseta
Wheelbarrow – carretilla
Lawn-mower – to mow/cut the lawn/grass
Garden shears/clippers – tijeras de podar
Spade – pala – flat blade with straight edges (To call a spade a spade)
Shovel – pala – slightly concave blade with a rounded/pointed tip
Both can be used to dig – cavar. But shovels are better for cutting things, while spades are better for moving things.
Fork – horca, trinche
Bucket – cubo, blade (Ar.), cubeta (Mx.), tobo (Ven.) Collocation – bucket and spade
Broom – escoba
Axe – hacha
Hatchet – destral
Fertilizer – fertilizante, abono
Rake – rastrillo – to rake up the leaves (to rake up the past)
Hoe – azada
Watering can – regadera (to water the plants)
Pruning shears/pruners/secateurs – to prune (podar) to remove unhealthy/unwanted bits)
Cutter/trimmer – to trim (podar/recortar) to remove bits for aesthetic reasons) To trim back (costs/expenditure etc.) – to make cuts
Other words
Hedge – seto – hedge trimmer (a hedge fund – un fondo de cobertura, to hedge your bets – to play safe, not take risks)
Deckchair – a folding seat
Sunbed – tumbona
Fence – valla, verja, cerca (Good fences make good neighbours. / The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. / Take time to smell the roses.)
Railings (iron fence) reja
Flower bed – macizo, lecho de flores
Compost heap
Bush – arbusto
Vegetable garden/plot – huerto, hortaliza (Mx.)
Greenhouse – invernadero
Pot – maceta (In slang “pot” can mean marihuana!)
Potted/Pot plant – planta de maceta
To water the plants – regar las plantas
Weeds – to weed the garden (In slang “weed” can also mean marihuana!) ‘To weed someone, or something out’ – to remove it/them
Seeds – to sow seeds (To reap what you sow)
Gardening expressions/idioms
To have green fingers
She’s/He’s a late bloomer
As busy as a bee
As fresh as a daisy
Pushing up the daisies
To beat around the bush
She’s/He’s a thorn in my side
To nip something in the bud
To lead someone up the garden path
Life’s not a bed of roses
Come up (smelling of) roses
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Hippies and hippy lifestyle
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Craig it’s pronunciation not pronounciation!
That’s the way it’s written in the show notes, Sue. However, I may have pronounced it wrong in the audio.