What does donkey’s years mean? What’s the difference between holiday and vacation? How do you translate Irse de puente? And where would you most like to live; Spain, New York or China?
We’re sharing your comments and answering your questions in this podcast.
Joana from Argentina
start – startED
Taking her FCE exam in December – Good luck
Xtoo funny- excessively funnyX – very funny
“Nothing” – We don’t say this in English as a translation of the interjection nada in Spanish
Long-time listener and friend of the show Maite Palacin
It’s been donkey’s years, isn’t it? (hasn’t it?)
We haven’t heard from Maite for donkey’s years!
to ‘dip into’
Alejandro from Spain
Listens ‘when he goes to his job’ He listens ‘during his commute’ or ‘while he commutes to work’
What’s the difference between holiday and vacation?
X..enjoy a lot listening to the podcastsX – Word order:…enjoy listening to the podcasts a lot
In the other way – Also
Pronounce the final plural _s: more voice messages (or languages, cabbages, etc.)
Irse de fin de semana – go/get away for the weekend
Irse de puente – go/get away for a long weekend (bank holiday weekend)
Luis from New York
one year and a half ago – one and a half years ago
I’m thinking to back to Spain – I’m thinking of going back to Spain
Where’s a good place to live in Valencia?
Aria from China
I enjoy a lot listening your conversation – I enjoy listening TO your conversation A LOT.
Can we make an episode about China?
…and now that you’ve listened to us, we want to listen to you. go and record a sentence or two and send us a voice message using https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Daniel Rodríguez Ruiz
Salvador Prieto Villanueva
David Navarro
Pedro Perez García
Ziyi Fang
Pilar Pe
Mariano Pérez
Fernando de Ávila
María También
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On next week’s episode: A History of American English in 20 Minutes
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
hi,i”m fredy oñoro, i don”t speak english, but I need to learn because have a test at the college on may, what can I to do?this site it seems good to me because ear, write and read, I wish learn very well and tell you somethins about of my land, nothing is impossible, god bless you
Hi Fredy. Keep listening to the podcast, study hard and good luck with the test.