Have you ever been in the chunnel? What’s your opinion of flexitarians?
Would mansplaining annoy you if you are a woman?
You’ll learn some useful portmanteau vocabulary in this podcast.
Voice message from Pau from Spain
Oh my gosh! Pau’s English is rubbish!
If you don’t use it, you lose it!
A portmanteau word is a combination of two words to form another word.
Podcast (iPod + broadcast)
blog (web + log): an online diary/recording of events
webinar (web + seminar): an online seminar
wifi (wireless + fidelity): IT adaptation of the older word “hifi” (high fidelity)
brunch (breakfast + lunch): A meal that is eaten after breakfast but before lunch.
motel (motor/hotel): Overnight accommodation designed for motorists.
shopaholic (shop/alcoholic): An individual who is addicted to shopping and buying products. (workoholic, alcoholic, chocoholic, AIRCoholic!)
smog (smoke + fog): A form of air pollution that has the qualities of both smoke and fog.
Spanglish (Spanish + English): A hybrid language that combines English and Spanish.
Chunnel (channel/tunnel): Word used to describe the Channel Tunnel that runs between the UK and France.
emoticon (emotion/icon): The use of keyboard characters to represent a facial expression.
nylon (NY + LON = New York +London): the man-made material was developed in those two cities.
denim (de + Nîmes = from Nîmes, in French language): Yes, the French, not Americans invented this cotton-based material!!
cyborg (cybernetic/organism): A human or fictional entity whose physiological functioning is enhanced by mechanical elements.
Oxbridge (Oxford/Cambridge): An inclusive term that is used to describe both Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Bollywood (Bombay/Hollywood): the Indian film industry
cosplay (costume + play): Dressing up in costumes that resemble characters from popular culture.
fanzine (fan + magazine): a magazine aimed at fans of a specific show
ginormous (giant/enormous): Large, huge.
metrosexual (metropolitan + heterosexual): a refined man from a metropolitan area who follows the latest fashion/beauty trends
chillax (chill/relax): Calm down, rest.
netiquette (internet/etiquette): correct/responsible behaviour on internet
edutainment (education/entertainment): Games or other forms of entertainment that have an educational aspect.
infotainment (information + entertainment): Forms of popular media that blend information and entertainment together. Similar to edutainment (education + entertainment).
infomercial (information/commercial): A television program that promotes a product in an informative and supposedly objective way.
spam (spiced + ham): tinned meat invented for WWII as a substitute product for fresh meat. The origins of “spam (email)” come from a 1970’s Monty Python sketch about this tinned meat.
guesstimate (guess + estimate): To estimate without solid facts or figures.
carjack (car/hijack): To take someone’s car by force.
cineplex (cinema/complex): A movie theatre with several screens.
knowledgebase (knowledge/database): Intellectual capital that is stored in a central area. Similar to wisdombase (wisdom/database).
frenemy (friend/enemy): Someone who is supposed to be a friend but whose actions are more characteristic of an enemy.
romcom (romantic/comedy): genre of TV series/film
Can you guess what they are?
bromance (brother/romance): A close relationship between two men.
affluenza (affluence/influenza): The guilt or lack of motivation experienced by people who have made or inherited large amounts of money.
screenager (screen/teenager): The typical adolescent who indulges excessively in screen entertainment.
mansplaining (man/explaining): Explaining something to a woman in a condescending manner.
glamping (glamour/camping): Luxury camping.
Nintendinitis (Nintendo/tendonitis): A condition caused by playing too many video games.
manwich (man/sandwich): A sandwich made from any of the ingredients that are available in the fridge.
flexitarian (vegetarian/flexible): A vegetarian who occasionally eats meat.
frankenfood (Frankenstein/food): Genetically modified food.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Living in Spain, New York and China.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash
Dear friends,
I want to thank you for this marvelous podcast. I had no idea about Portmanteau words and they are very useful.
I have been listening to your podcasts since last year and they have been very helpful for my B2 exam which I approved last month.
Please keep up the good work!
We appreciate your work very much.
Aída from Tenerife /Spain ????????
Hi Aida. Congratulations on passing the B2 exam. That’s great news! Keep studying and stay safe over there in Tenerife!