You’ll learn the difference between prevent and avoid. We also talk about some Chilean slang and answer some more of your questions.
Voice message from Eurico from Brazil.
Spent 2 months studying English in London.
Focus on accuracy (Keep doing this XfantastX job – fantastic, I got XfrustrateX – I got frustratED, XLong time no see youX – Long time no see, I made my exchange – I was an exchange student…, I was there for…I did a course for…, XDo you believe Reza and Craig?X – Can you believe that?)
Good use of verb tenses: (I went to London, When I arrived there I got.., When I finished my course I got…
Nice expressions: little by little, step by step…
I’m gonna speak English very well, fluently..
Voice message from Jose Ignacio from Chile
XI have three months learning EnglishX – I’ve been learning English for three months.
Huevón (Pronounced “hueon” or “weon”)
X”…and his derivates”X – …and its derivatives
There is no equivalent word in English exactly. However, “mate” can be used in some similar ways:
“Heh mate! How’s it going? Long time, no see!”
“Listen, mate! I don’t know what your problem is, but either you shut up, or I punch your face.”
“Cheers, mate. That’s really nice of you to say that.”
“Smart guys, eh? Well, you and your cocky mate can shove it up your ****!”
“She isn’t Craig’s girlfriend – she’s just a mate.”
Chilean slang
La firme: means the truth. Te estoy diciendo la firme – I’m telling you the truth
Tuto: being sleepy or tired. – Me voy a mi casa, tengo tuto – I’m going to my house, I’m sleepy
Piola: used to describe a very quiet or timid person. – Reza es bien piola – Reza is very quiet
Mino/a: describes a person, man or woman, who is considered good looking. – ¡Mira ese mino! – Look at that handsome guy!
Bacán: something or someone is cool, great or awesome. – Ese weon es bacán – That guy is awesome
British dialects and slang: Korean Billy: https://www.youtube.com/user/aoao35044
Voice message from Paty from Mexico.
Thank you for your incredible XjobX – WORK
“I’ve been listening for…” Present Perfect Continuous
“I can get pretty well what they’re saying” (get = understand)
What’s the difference between avoid and prevent?
avoid = evitar, esquivar / prevent = prevenir, evitar
To prevent is to take action to stop something before it starts.
To avoid is to just stay away from something.
Example: Getting a vaccination from COVID-19 would be prevention. Hiding in your home and not having contact with anyone would be avoidance.
“Prevention is better than cure”, they say.
“The coronavirus pandemic prevented me from going on holiday this year.” (prevent someone FROM doing something)
“I avoided going anywhere crowded this summer.” Avoid + gerund.
or with a noun: “Avoid hangovers, stay drunk.”
If you could travel back in time and prevent one historic event from happening, what would it be?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: What’s the difference between suppose, assume and guess
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’