What is a game-changer? Is it a good idea to learn a third language by using a second language? What do we think of how the Spanish educational system teaches English? We answer more of your questions in this episode.
Voice message from Alejandro
In episode 219 we predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. The zombie apocalypse (pronunciation of apocalypse) (put sound bite – August 5th, 2018)
X “Reza asked Craig about he believed or not the zombie apocalypse”X – Reza asked Craig IF/WHETHER he believed THERE WOULD/COULD BE a zombie apocalypse or not.
Voice message from Carlos from Brazil (living in Australia)
X”One year and a half”X – One and a half years.
X”I understand most of what people talk with me.”X – SAY to me.
X”I decided start learn Spanish.”X – I decided TO start LEARNING Spanish.
(good fluency. You need to focus now on accuracy.
Is it a good idea to learn Spanish by using English?
Interesting article
Reza’s theory
If the L1 and L3 are similar/closely related, then using an L2 which is not so similar can be particularly useful for learning a third language (L3).
e.g. a Spanish native (L1) speaker learning Portuguese as their third (L3) language through English as their second (L2) language. As Spanish and Portuguese are very similar, it’s sometimes extremely difficult for the learner to notice (small) errors since the two languages are almost, but not quite, identical in certain respects and they’ll be understood despite using the language incorrectly. However, they should easily notice differences between English and either Spanish or Portuguese.
If you want to see what we really mean, just listen to an interview with most Brazilian/Portuguese footballers speaking Spanish. They sound far less Brazilian/Portuguese when speaking English! This is because of native language/L1 interference with the foreign language. For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2ggYAlS2JA or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyy69QVX_R8
Coffee Break Spanish: https://radiolingua.com/coffeebreakspanish/
Voice message from Ana from Spain
X”We start since 6 years old”X – FROM 6 years old
X”system education”X – educational system
What’s our opinion on the Spanish educational system as regards teaching English?
Voice message from Edison from Quito, Ecuador
X”listen about…”X – listen TO…
X”fireman worker”X – fireman/firewoman/fire fighter
Job Interview Questions – AIRC58
How to have a Job interview in English and work vocabulary – AIRC43
How to Pass a Job Interview PDF and audio (12 euros)
Voice message from Jessica from Brazil
What does ‘game-changer’ mean?
Game-changer: an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something; an event that notably changes a sports game.
Podcasting has been a game-changer for me. (noun)
When Pelé was given the red card and sent off and Brazil was down to 10 men, it was a real game-changer – not so easy for them anymore.
Can you give an example of game-changing technology? (adjective)
Brexit could be a real game-changer for the UK and EU.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Prevent and Avoid
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash
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