Learn prepositions of time; in, on and at. IN a few minutes, ON this very day, AT this moment in time.
Voice message from Rafael from Mislata
Wine – AIRC210
Have you tasted any good wine lately?
Voice message from Eric from La Gomera
The Prepositions in, on and at
The Prepositions Out, Up, Of and Off: https://inglespodcast.com/139
XI would suggest you to make…X I would suggest (that) you make a podcast…
In spite of BUT Despite…
IN (months, years, centuries, periods, time of day* etc.)
In May
In 2014 – two ways to say it, 2009 – only one way to say it, 1867, 1206, 23 BC.
In the 20th Century
In the ‘90’s/ in the Victorian era/ in the days of the typewriter/ in the time of the dinosaurs
In a minute/ in 5 minutes/ an hour/ a decade/ 50 days/ etc.
In the past/present/future
In the morning/afternoon/evening – NOT night*
ON (days, dates and occasions)
On Sunday
On Thursday morning
On September 28th/28th September
On my birthday/ On New Year’s Day/ On her wedding day/ On the day we first met
AT (specific time)
At 3pm
At noon/midday/midnight
At sunrise/sunset, dawn/dusk
At the moment/minute/that moment/
At Christmas/ Easter/ New Year – NOT for specific days
At night*
At the weekend (On the weekend in Australia/USA)
What time do the banks close?
What’s the weather like in December in Belfast?
Are you doing anything special at the weekend?
Do you like to do anything special on your birthday?
Is your area safe at night?
Is your morning routine different at the weekend?
What’s your favourite day of the week?
What’s your favourite time of day?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Pedro Mut
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On next week’s episode: It’s a game-changer
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hello, regarding your question: What time do you usually listen to the podcast?, well that’s the third thing I do in the morning, after going to the toillet and making a delicious coffee. While I’m enjoying my first cup of coffee, I’m listening to your wise teachings, thank you so much for that.
I’m pleased that we keep you company while you’re drinking your morning coffee, Jose. Thanks for listening!
Hi guys, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if there is a difference between saying have you ever been IN London or have you ever been TO London? These are just examples. But, the question is, is there a difference between using IN or TO when I want to talk about whether I’ve been somewhere?
Thanks guys.
Yes, there is a difference, Juanse. Now, I’m IN Valencia. I’m IN Spain. But we go TO a place. For example, I’m going TO Madrid next week.
We spoke about prepositions of time recently. I’ll make a note to speak about prepositions of place (lugar) and we’ll go into more detail on the podcast soon.