How can you use ‘having said that’ and ‘as a matter of fact’ in English?
What’s the difference between ‘instead of’ and ‘rather than’?
Can you say ‘instead’ without ‘of’ or are they always together?
We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of, Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
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Voice message from Alejandro from Colombia living in Australia
‘Let’s go into the business’ – ‘Let’s GET DOWN to business’
Linking expressions: https://inglespodcast.com/55 and More Linking Expressions: https://inglespodcast.com/179
Having said that…..(Una vez dicho esto) – yes, a different opinion about something.
“He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.” (despite what has just been said)
Contrasting opinion, but you think both things are true, ‘Apple products are expensive. Having said that, I must admit that they are very well made.’
We can also say, ‘That being said…’
Pepito’s reading, listening and writing are all very good. That being said, his speaking needs to be improved.
Voice message from Douglas from Nicaragua
Listening TO
rather (than) and instead (of)
as a matter of fact
Rather and prefer: https://inglespodcast.com/248
‘Rather than’ expresses a preference, ‘I like listening to podcasts and audiobooks rather than reading’.
We use ‘Instead of’ to suggest that something replaces another.
It rained so we stayed in instead of going to the beach.
Can I have coffee instead of tea, if you don’t mind?
When we use Instead without ‘of’, it usually goes at the beginning or the end of a clause.
Reza couldn’t go to Craig’s flat to record, so we recorded on Skype instead.
We won’t be able to go on holiday this year. Instead, we’ll stay here in Valencia.
Summary: rather than = preference / instead of = substitution, replacement
As a matter of fact/In fact (de hecho, en realidad) – often used to correct someone, disagree with someone or to add something to what you’ve just said.
Reza: You must be very bored staying at home all day.
Craig: As a matter of fact, I’m really busy. I’m working on a new project.
I’m doing more exercise now that I was two months ago. As a matter of fact, I’ve lost 3 kilos.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Memory Techniques
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’