Have you ever thought of living abroad? What are the difficulties and rewards of moving to another country? We’ll find out today as Reza and Craig are joined by Emilia, Nick and their daughter Lucia.
You’re listening to four very qualified and experienced English teachers today and together we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
A message from Patreon supporter Jesus from Cabanyal , Valencia.
My work is the realization of painting sets for theater, opera, dance etc. Since I sometimes have to deal with foreign professionals, I have to use English with them.
I wanted to suggest to you, if possible, to create a podcast dedicated to the world of theater, and especially to the stage vocabulary.
Thanks again and I encourage you to continue making these podcasts so useful and enjoyable to listen.
The Theatre: https://inglespodcast.com/181
Emilia, Nick and Lucia
Where did you grow up and where’s your accent from?
Nick’s from Bristol.
Emilia’s from Birmingham in the Midlands.
Lucia was born in Spain.
Which countries have you taught in and/or spent a long time in?
Emilia and Nick have taught English in Italy and China.
Have any differences between countries really surprised or shocked you?
Emilia: The staring
Nick: the same, maintaining eye contact. It was overwhelming and aggressive.
In Italy, it really annoyed Emilia when people kept ordering food for her.
In China they were surprised to see foreigners.
They also found Nick’s curly hair fascinating, and the fact that he’s left-handed.
Lucia said that people spit a lot in China.
Lucia thinks that English people are fatter than Spanish people. She also says that England is very green.

Tell us about some things you like and some things you dislike about the different places you’ve lived?
Nick doesn’t like the bad worker’s rights in Spain.
Emilia thinks there are fewer career opportunities in Spain. She doesn’t like the summer heat either.
Are there any other countries you’d consider emigrating to?
They’d love to live in Malaysia for a year. It’s a great place for kids, good food and work opportunities.
It’s not easy to get alcohol in Malaysia. That could be a problem for Brits!
Have you ever felt uncomfortable as an ex-pat or experienced any discrimination on a personal level?
There’s ‘positive’ discrimination for Brits in Spain.
Some Spanish people ‘dumb-down’ (oversimplify) things too much for people who aren’t native Spanish speakers.
Craig may have been cheated occasionally because he’s from the UK.
It also happens a lot in other countries like China and Thailand.
Emilia was asked how much money she earned by strangers in China.
In the UK, Emilia was discriminated against when she was speaking Spanish with her sister.
Reza and his friend were insulted in Belfast when they were speaking Spanish.
What do you think of the old sayings: “Far off fields are green” or “The grass is always greener on the other side”?
Emilia: Wherever you go, you’ll always feel dissatisfied.
Nick: if you go and live somewhere different for only a year, you can always come back to where you were before.
Reza: He’s settled in Spain now but he went back to Belfast for a couple of years because he was a bit fed up in Spain.
The grass is always greener in Belfast because it rains all the time!
What are you thankful for?
Nick: The house I live in with my lovely family (and his recording studio!)
Emilia: The house, good health, her daughter and Nick.
Reza: Our podcast listeners!
Craig: His wife
Lucia’s Christmas List for Santa
New trainers with lights on the bottom
A sweet-making machine
A wedding dress (a flower-girl dress)
A yoyo
Two surprises
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Listen to Nick’s drum and bass and techno music sets on Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/nickeedee/
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Ana Cuevas
Assumpta Farran
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Inés Cadenas
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Rafa B. Aguado
Ana Ester Luengo Herrero
On next week’s episode: New Year Vocabulary
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
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Recorrido a pie por Copenhague
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Marga Ariza
Carmen Romero
I thankful for this podcast. It’s a highly remarkable podcast with so many diferent accents to listen and different ages. Lucia has a lovely and warm voice. It’s so cool.
It’s a bit hard to try to understand incompare with other podcast but I consider so interesting. Good job.
Thank you, Luis. We’re really pleased you find the podcasts useful and we plan to invite more guests onto the show in 2020. Happy New Year!