Today we’re talking about Colombia, but not only between ourselves. We have two special guests who are going to give us some inside information on this fascinating country. Welcome to Aprender ingles con Reza and Craig
Today we’re speaking with Angelica and Lina, our two guests who were born in Colombia but now live in Spain.
But before we hear from our guests, here are some facts about Colombia. Pronunciation: Col-o-mbia, not XCol-u-mbiaX
Colombia has the Caribbean Sea to the north and shares its border with Panama, Ecuador and Peru, Venezuela and Brazil and has the Pacific Ocean to the west.
The population is just over 48 million. About 8 million people live in the capital city, Bogotá.
Our first guest is Angelica and regular listeners and AIRCoholics know that Angelica has been helping us with our transcriptions for the Patreon supporters of this podcast.
It was a pleasure to jump on Skype with her and chat about her home country. I know she’s listening, so hello Angelica! We hope everything’s going well for you in London.
Interview with Angelica

Our friend Lina is also from Colombia and we work together in a language school here in Valencia, Spain.
Interview with Lina
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Are you from Colombia? We’d love to hear your comments on this episode. And if you’re not, what did you find most interesting in this episode and do you have any ideas for possible future topics?
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On next week’s episode: Living Abroad
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Music from https://filmmusic.io
“As I Figure” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)