People are ‘queuing up’ to listen to this week’s podcast, or are they ‘standing in line’?
We’re speaking about some differences between British and American English, and we have a special American guest. Welcome to Aprender Inglés with Reza, Craig and Sandra!
Voice message from Yahya from Morocco
I need some XadvicesX advice about being a vet student
Veterinarian and pet vocabulary: https://inglespodcast.com/97 (there’s a lovely photo of Reza sleeping with Berta.
Voice message from Isabel from Mexico City who teaches Spanish in New York City
TOEFL: https://inglespodcast.com/68 TOEFL and IELTS
How can Isabel improve her writing and vocabulary?
Memrise: https://www.memrise.com/
Vocabulary builder from Magoosh: https://magoosh.com/
VOLT: http://web.voltvocab.com/
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/es
Write and Improve: https://writeandimprove.com/
Vocabulary differences between British and American English
We’ve spoken about UK/US differences before:
https://inglespodcast.com/81 – pronunciation differences
Vocabulary differences with Danny from Detroit.
Even the very first word many babies learn to say is different on both sides of the Atlantic:
mum, mummy, (UK), mam (North of England only) – mom, mommy (US), mamma, (Afro-American/Southern US only)
bill (UK) – check (US) (cuenta)
flat (UK) – apartment (US) (piso, apartamento)
a queue / to queue up (UK) – a line / to stand in line (US)
pub crawl (UK) – bar hop (US) (ir de copas, recorrido por bares)
wally (UK) – jerk, idiot (US) (un tonto)
off licence (UK) – liquor store (US) (bodega)
toilet (UK) – restroom (US) (baño, lavabo)
mate (UK) – friend, buddy, pal, bro (US) (amigo)
tights (UK) – panty hose (US) (medias)
knickers (UK) – panties (US) (bragas) / shorts. ‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist.’ (UK) / ‘Don’t get your panties in a bunch.’ (US)
trousers (UK) – pants (US)
pants (UK) – underpants (US/UK)
condom (UK) – rubber (US)
rubber (UK) – eraser (US)
gear stick (UK) – stick shift (US)
motorway (UK) – freeway (US)
Driving vocabulary: https://inglespodcast.com/101

10 British and 10 American slang words
Dodgy (UK) – suspicious
Bling (US) – heavy gold jewellery
Dosh (UK) – money
YOLO (US) – You Only Live Once / FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
Chuffed (to bits) (UK) – happy
Threads (US) – clothes
Legless / plastered (UK) – very drunk
to jack something (US) to steal something
Knackered (UK) – whipped, beat (agotado)
Ripped (US) – full of muscles, a very well-defined physique
Kip (UK) – sleep
a klutz (US) – a clumsy person
Fag (UK) (to bum a fag) – cigarette
to be in a funk (US) – to be in a bad mood
Skint (UK) – broke
Ratty (US) – dishevelled, messy, in bad condition
Bog roll (UK)- toilet paper
to T someone off (US) – to annoy them
Peckish (UK) – hungry
Zip / squat (US) – nothing
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Visit our online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
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Carmen Romero
On next week’s episode: Famous Movie Quotes
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Wells Baum on Unsplash
Photo by John T on Unsplash
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Chus Martínez
Recorrido a pie por Copenhague
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Agus paolucci
Jose luis arregui
Mariel Riedemann
Miren Ful
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Oscar Sanchez Molina
Maria Luz Lopez Comfort 1.4
Edward Fonseca
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Eder Massa
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Julian Gomez
Luigi Ranzato
Lidia Alonso
Ricardo Corrales
Fabiola Clavero
Esther Martínez
Juanlu Anaya
Marga Ariza
Thank you guys, for your excellent podcast. I enjoyed listening to it
Thank you, Alina. We’re pleased you enjoyed it!