How can you become an interpreter? What’s the difference between interpreting and translating?
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Voice message from Lisset from Guatemala
What’s the difference between translating and interpreting?
Translating – text to text, or audio to text.
Interpreting – orally, on the spot!
The Interpreter – Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn:
To be an interpreter, you need:
Thorough knowledge of the general subject to be interpreted
Intimate familiarity with both cultures
Extensive vocabulary in both languages without the help of a dictionary
The ability to vocally express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages
To be a good translator, you need:
Thorough knowledge of the general subject to be translated
Intimate familiarity with both cultures
Extensive vocabulary in both languages, though you might have time to look things up in a dictionary
The ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages in written text
NB. There are, sadly, many bad translators around, including some highly paid professionals. Be careful! On the other hand, there are few bad interpreters because they would very quickly be found out due to the nature of their work.
Information from the website: Institute of translating and interpreting
There are three main career areas for interpreters: Conference, Business and Public Service.
Conference interpreters can be hired as in-house staff interpreters by large international organisations such as the UN and EU, or they can be freelancers working at large international events and conferences, at political events, European works council meetings or trade fairs. Many join the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC).
Simultaneous interpreting
Business interpreting
Consecutive interpreting (in chunks from notes)
You’ll probably need an MA in Interpreting & Translation, a European Master’s in Interpreting, or similar)

General translation
Specialist/Technical Translation: Business, Law, Medicine, Academic articles, Sports, The Arts, Sciences, etc.
When contracting a translator you are charged either per word, or for the time they take to finish the job. Obviously, per word is better to avoid surprises.
These days purely online translation accounts for a lot of the total of all translation, though translation of books and other printed material is still very important.
A good translation should never be rushed!
It’s advisable to ask to check out previous work done by a translator before you contract them. Get a native English speaker to help you check out the English.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: How to improve your reading skills
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Dream on me by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/JeffSpeed68/58983 Ft: Javolenus
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
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