What do vegans eat and what differences are there between a vegan diet and a vegetarian one? Today we’re joined by a special guest who’s going to explain it all to us.
Welcome Águeda!
ITALKI: https://go.italki.com/aprenderingles
Do you agree with this definition of a vegetarian?
“A vegetarian is someone who does not eat any meat, poultry, fish, shellfish or by-products of animal slaughter.”
How would you define a vegan?
What’s the difference between:
Lacto vegetarians
Ovo vegetarians
Lacto-ovo vegetarians
What can vegans eat?
Beans – alubias, frijoles
Lentils – lentejas
Tofu – bean or soya curd. It’s a soft, cheese-like food made of condensed soy milk pressed into tight blocks and mixed with nigari (brine).
Seitan – wheat gluten, made by rinsing and cooking wheat dough to remove the starch
Tempeh – fermenting soybeans in banana leaves
Nuts – frutos secos
Seeds – semillas
Marmite & Vegemite – spreads made from yeast extract, very popular with veggies and vegans for their vitamins that are difficult to find in non-meat products

How long have you been a vegan?
Why did you decide to change your diet and become a vegan?
How difficult is it to keep a vegan diet?
You also try to follow a gluten-free diet. Isn’t this really complicated in addition to a vegan diet?
Is there any non-vegan food that you (sometimes) miss?
What’s the more important aspect of veganism for you: ethical or health?
What side of the fence do you lie on as regards the big divisive question for vegans: to eat honey or not?
Are there any circumstances under which you’d consider breaking your vegan diet?
Do you see any/much difference between organic meat and meat from intensive mass production farming? Or are they equally “bad” in your eyes?
If you were forced, which would you rather eat: low-quality, intensively farmed vegetables grown in a polluted environment full of chemical pesticides, or high-quality organic meat?
Does your dietary choice affect your social life?
Vegan food is often assumed to be automatically healthy and natural. But what about things like seitan? Do you recommend such a highly processed ingredient?
What’s your favourite comfort food?
Millions of dollars of research are being invested in the production of insects in our future diets, partly to reduce traditional meat consumption. What’s your view of this?
Do you use other products – not food – derived from animals. eg. leather, fur, some glues, etc?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Asking basic questions in English
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash
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Where is Agueda from? She has a very lovely accent. I thought she was British but I hesitated it when she said grillo cricket
She’s from Spain. Yes, she has a lovely accent and a very high level of English.
I have just know this podcast on Spotify! Congratulations, its really a good job! I’m Brazilian, and I’ve been studying English for almost two years now! I love this podcast!
Thanks for listening, Valesca. Have you heard the episode on Brazil yet? https://inglespodcast.com/2019/06/02/brazil-airc262/
I have studyed English, I began a few months ago. I found Mansion en Ingles Podcast. I Heard it every day when I go to work, I drive by work about 25 minutes every day and when I am into my car I put your Podcast in Spotify. I think I have leard a lot. Thank you very much
Thank you for listening, Ernesto. I’m pleased we are helping you improve your English during your commute to work.