Want to learn some English today? I’ve just used ellipsis. I did not say Do you want to learn some English, just ‘want to learn some English? Easy, right? Not so fast. There’s more to ellipsis than meets the eye. We’ll explain it all in this episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Mariela from Ecuador with 3 more facts about her country.
Ecuador: https://inglespodcast.com/254
- Most beautiful roses in the world (they grow, not X
grow upX) - Chocolate awards
- Panama hats are from Ecuador – “internationalized”
Voice message from Maribel from Seville
Taking an English exam in June
Inversions and ellipsis: www.inglespodcast.com/78 (inversions)
What’s ellipsis?
Ellipsis – Omission – Leaving something out
Examples of when ellipsis is used:
How many euros did that shirt cost you? – 65 (euros) (omitted text)
“Have another biscuit.”
“I’d better not (have another biscuit). I’m on a diet.”
“Through tears of sadness the coffin was gradually lowered into the ground. And then the rain…..” (trail off into silence)
“Yeah? Well, you can just….” (an unfinished thought)
I ordered the paella, and he [ordered] the steak. / I ordered the paella, (I did) not (order) steak.(leaving gaps)
Verb phrase ellipsis: I’ll order the paella and you can (order the paella), too.
Answer ellipsis: Who ordered the steak? I did. (order the steak).

I’ll get something to drink, but I’m not sure what (I’ll get to drink).
I ordered two drinks, and Reza (ordered) one.
(Do you) Want some coffee?
Begin when ready – Begin when you are ready
(I) hope you have a nice weekend.
I knew (that) the neighbours would be noisy today.
Ellipsis can be used to show a word or words have been removed from a quote.
Also, to create suspense by adding a pause before the end of the sentence, and to show the trailing off of a thought….
Ellipsis is also used in film making – cutting to avoid boring and unimportant detail.
In Belfast people often greet eat other with: “Bout ye?” It’s a reduced version of “How about you?”
In parts of London you might hear something like “Wight?” or “Wight mate?” It’s a reduced version of the greeting “Are you alright?”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Business Vocabulary in Sales
(We) hope you have a wonderful week! – ellipsis!
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
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