Have you got a baby, or are you thinking of having one? Reza and I don’t have babies, but not knowing anything about a subject has never stopped us speaking about it before! So, in response to a listener question, here’s an episode about baby vocabulary.
Voice message from Marcela from Argentina.
Podcast about age https://inglespodcast.com/257
Email from Rónald Espinoza Mora from Costa Rica.
Hi, hello guys. Nearly six months ago I know about yours podcasts when looking for post casts in iTunes came across I find one episode.
(I came across your podcast nearly six months ago when I was looking in itunes.)
Since this day I listened all your new episodes, some old episodes (you really have many posts casts since 2010)
(I’ve been listening to your podcasts since 2010 – https://inglespodcast.com/18 – present perfect)
Let me tell my story and motivation for to learn (to learn) and to improve my English: I’m 43 years old, I’m a software engineer, I know many (a lot of) vocabulary and understand more or less the articles in English, but to talk (talking) and to tell my speak in the right way (expressing myself) in grammar and time is very hard for my (me).
I have a daughter, Miranda, she is 11 months old. When she did born (was born) I decided to only talk with she (her) in English and my wife will only talk Spanish with her, we’ll hope when she’ll 3 o 4 year old she’ll bilingual (she’ll be bilingual). This is my motivation to learn English.
Now she knows the basic colors in both languages, too she know (She also knows) the basic questions like what’s your favorite color, what does the cow say, ….. or how many years old you’ll be (on may 9). She can point to some things like a fridge, a big picture, the windows or the door, etc. I only to sing, to watch and to dance videos or song in English with she (her).
In some episodes I find some advice about this topic, even your recommendation to English4Families’s website, that’s good, I really appreciate it, but I think is not enough for my (me). Can you make a special episode about vocabulary of babies 6 months to 24 months.
Interview with Alex PerDel on En Clave de Podcast with Pilar Orti: https://enclavedepodcast.com/2017/02/05/alex-perdel/
Aventura Bilingue Podcast: http://www.crecereningles.com/podcast/
WOW English TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx1xhxQyzR4TT6PmXO0khbQ
The Go Jetters: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/go-jetters
YouTube: BBC Learn English for Kids:
Final questions for you:
1) Is right to use contractions (you’re,I’m, she’ll, they’ll….) when I talk with my daughter.
2) Do you have a paid course (in your website) for my, I’m a advance beginner – yes: https://store.mansioningles.net/
3) What you think about the courses online for to learn English (Lingoda, Open English, Cambly or iTalki) for my (me).
ITALKI https://go.italki.com/aprenderingles
Baby Vocabulary
To cry / to bawl
To cuddle – un abrazo – What’s the difference between cuddle and hug?
Cradle – cuna (‘from the cradle to the grave’)
Nappy / diaper – pañal
Car seat
To change a baby / changing table / changing mat
Stuffed animals / (cuddly) toys / building blocks / mobile
Dummy – imbécil, estúpido / pacifier – chupete
Cot / crib
Highchair / booster seat
Bib – babero
Play pen
Pushchair / pram / baby carriage / stroller / buggy – carrito, sillita de paseo
Rattle – sonajero
Baby wipes / baby lotion / baby powder – talco para babes
To spoil – mimar
To pat or rub baby’s back
To bring up wind – to burp/belch
To rock (a baby in a cradle)
Read to your child in English
Talk with them in English every day
Correct their speech
Play games with them in English and use the internet for resources.
Sing songs and if you can’t, then use a recorded song, eg:
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you speak to your baby in English? We’d like to hear about your experience and if you recommend any particular websites, books, YouTube channels, etc.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Thank you, Bruno our Gold Sponsor who offers walking tours of Copenhagen – in English and Spanish – https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
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On next week’s episode: Why do the British drive on the left? We’ll be answering that question from Alberto and more of your questions about grammar, vocabulary and all aspects of English on next week’s podcast.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Minnie Zhou on Unsplash
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Hi Craig and Reza , here enjoying your pot cast , one thing, when you were trying to explain the difference between cuddle and hug you said in Spanish that hug was “embrazar”, the correct word in Spanish is “abrazar” . Thank you for all, is amazing your job, keep doing it , bye
Thank you for letting us know, Josué. I didn’t notice that mistake when I was editing the podcast! All the best, and thanks for listening.
Your welcome, rarely when we fit you, I think that is extraodinary your job, and your spanish is wonderful, bot Reza and you. I´m very happy when you respond me, I always listen every new episode.
thank you again, bye
I’m a father with three little boys. I try to talk to them in English. Besides I follow the blog Crecereningles. So, I really apreciate that you talk this topic because It’s very interesting for me. I try to get out the best of me, but sometimes is very tough express in a not native language, but I’m thinking it’s worth it. Thank you for this program and specially for this topic. Bye
Thank you for your comment, Luis. I’m really pleased that you found this podcast useful.