Listening to English can be difficult and frustrating. Many of you ask us how you can improve your listening skills. We’re going to help you today in this episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Pilar Martinez
Why don’t we put the episode number of each podcast at the beginning?
iTunes and other podcast apps truncate the text. (native apps on iOs and Android, and Overcast for iOS and Pocketcast for Android)
Email from Alirio from Venezuela
Hello Reza y Craig!!
My name is Alirio, I’m 35 and I am from Venezuela.
I have been living in England for 2 years, specifically in a town called Reading.
I have been listening to your podcast for 6 months every day and to make sure that I am understanding (I understand) every word I listen to it 3 or 4 times each episode.
Since I have been doing it I have improved my listening and speaking skills.
I started with episode number 1 until the recent ones and then go back.
I realized that Craig is married now and also lost so much weight, good for him!!
By the way, I am studying English in order to get 7.5 in the IELTS test, which is a high mark but that’s a score I need to be accepted in a specific job in the UK.
I could let you know what sort of job (it) is, and maybe I XwouldX (will) dare to send you a voice message. I would rather tell you that when I get the mark I need in the IELTS test.
I have recently become (to be) one of your patrons. I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful work. Please guys, never give up podcasting!
Rosario from Argentina
Listens during her commute (Rosario has 3 kids!)
I XattendX calls in English (deal with, answer, make/receive or get, handle)
give me Xan adviceX (some advice, a piece of advice)
How to improve your listening skills
1. Do what Alirio is doing and listen to our podcasts 2 or 3 times every day for 6 months! (and move to England!)
2. Listen as much as possible and to a wide variety of sources: news, podcasts aimed at native English speakers based on your hobbies and pastimes, songs, audio books, TV series (Binge-watch on Netflix) any fun video content, including films and TV series in original version, YouTube videos and Twitch, if you’re into gaming, TED talks, etc.
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/
TED Talks: https://www.ted.com/talks
3. Time can be a problem, so make good use of multi-tasking with your mobile phone. Use ‘dead’ time: Driving, travelling by bus/train, doing housework, (washing dishes, cooking, etc.), working out, waiting in a queue, walking the dog – always make sure that you have something in English on your phone to listen to.
4. Choose listening that’s slightly above your level of English. Use the speed control on your media player to slow the audio down.
5. Listen and read a transcript at the same time. Notice how the sounds of English connect and change in natural speech.
6. Change Siri, Alexa, Google Voice to English.
7. Listen for context. Listen to whole phrases or ‘chunks’ of English and don’t focus word for word. If you do not understand one word, don’t get stuck on that word, try to understand the whole context (the same goes for reading).
8. Go to meetups/language exchanges in your area. If there aren’t any, organize one with work colleagues or friends. Speak to real people! (get outside your comfort zone!)
9. Our sponsor, italki has professional teachers who can help you improve your English.
You find a teacher that’s right for you and pay the price you can afford. You can have regular weekly, twice-weekly or daily! 1 to 1 conversations with a native speaker using Skype, Zoom or other video software.
Italki also has a Language Exchange – Find a language partner. Exchange time teaching your native language for time practicing a foreign language. – Free!
$10 italki credit when you pay for your first lesson
Cómo mejorar el listening y la comprensión en Ingles: http://www.mansioningles.com/como-mejorar-listening-comprension-ingles.htm
Audio message from Mariela Tapia from Ecuador who also asks a question about listening.
came across (XwithX) your podcast.
people XisX are speaking on the street
listening TO the audio
Practice more exam-based tasks
Find a bar where you can speak English with native speakers in a noisy environment.
An email from Juanjo Arias
Good evening Craig & Reza
This morning while I was driving my car from Huelva to Sevilla, I was listening (to) the episode number 202 (Helping People).
In this episode, you both were talking about the way people are appreciated in some situations, the way we Xuse toX usually say “thank you” to another person who did a favour to us. You said in Spain people said “thanks” much less than people say (it) in other countries.
I live in Sevilla, is a large city, maybe not as big as Valencia. But I think that here, in large cities, people behave Xis likeX (as) you said in your podcast. Even in boundary (the suburbs?) places near the big city (often we call XthisX (these) little towns as “ciudades dormitorio”) people tend to be a little impolite.
But when I go to small villages, far from big cities, the behavior changes a lot. Yes, they say “thanks” much more there.
I think in large cities we are a bit Xabducted byX (wrapped up/absorbed in) our works, our worries, fears, troubles… In a word, stress.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Visit our online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons.
Special thanks to Bruno our Gold Sponsor who offers walking tours of Copenhagen – in English and Spanish – https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
Join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions transcribed by Angélica. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Jose Ezequiel Olano
On next week’s episode: Expressions about age
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Our Wonderful Podcast Patreons are:
Adriana Rojas Suarez
Adolfo Dias Sanchez
Agus Paolucci
Ana Fernandez Monterrubio
Ana Ibarra
Antonio diaz
Beatriz Garlaschi
Carlos Cano Domingo
Carlos Sanches
Carmen Martinez
Chus Martinez
Copenhagen Walking Tour
Elvira Cortes
Eva Maria Elizalde Martinez
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Ivy Envy Podcast
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Jose Antonio Ramoy Ramirez
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Karo Torres
Leandro Henrique Sena Diniz
Luis Jimenez
Luis Lobo Martinez
Maite Palacin Perez
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Miren Ful
Nestor G M
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Patxi Ibanez
Pilar Martinez Andres
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Rogelio Menendez
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Txema Santa Cruz
Fernando Antônio de Paula Andrade
Santiago Diaz de Rivera
Alberto B.O.
Alejandra Coni
Víctor Vaquero
Luis sanz ruiz
Rónald Jesús Espinoza Mora
Andrés Herrera
Alirio Antonio Moreno Medina
Eduardo Hilario
Jose Aristizabal
It would be very interesting if the podcast had transcript in English. Not only it will help us to understand better but also writting too
There are transcripts available for the podcast. You can join our Patreon supporters for $1 per month and get transcripts- More details here: https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Hi Craig,
I just listened this podcast and I paid particular attention to your advice on listening podcast that are done in a higher level than someone have. I was wondering what level you think this podcast has, and if you can recommend lower and higher ones.
Thank you!!
Hi Marc. Our podcasts are made for level B1 and above. Higher-level podcasts include Luke’s English podcast: https://teacherluke.co.uk/ and, of course, podcasts created for native speakers. Lower-level podcasts can be found on BBC podcasts: https://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts?q=english