Romantic Body Language – AIRC243
How do you know when someone is attracted to you? We’ll find out in this episode and you’ll learn words like ‘glimpse’, ‘glance’, ‘gaze’, ‘toss’ and ‘flush’.
We spoke about body language in general – Body Language – AIRC238
How can you know when someo ne is attracted to you? What are the body language signs?
To/a glance – see quickly on purpose = ojear, echar un vistazo. eg. I quickly glanced at my watch to see the time
To/a glimpse – see qui ckly by chance or luckily = alcanzar a ver, vislumbrar eg. He caught a glimpse of the famous actress as she was leaving the hotel
To/a gaze – mirar fijamente – with love or surprise because you are thinking
To/a stare – mirar fijamente
To/a flush – ponerse colorado, sonrojarse, ruborizarse
To/a toss your head/hair – sacudir – the horse tossed it’s head
Also. toss a ball, toss a coin, toss a salad, toss in your sleep. (I don’t give a toss!)
To fancy someone
To come on to someone / to make a pass at someone / to hit on someone
Signs that someone may be interested in you romantically:
Smiling and looking into your eyes
Glancing at you sideways
Keeps glancing towards you (surreptitiously)
Holding your gaze (this can be quite subtle – maybe quickly looks away)
Eyes narrowing slightly
More alert posture
Body turning towards you
Matching – body posture may matching yours – ‘mirroring’
Cheeks flushing
Tossing hair (more female)
Open body language – holds arms so that you see the insides of wrists and shows palms of hands
Mouth slightly open
Wet lips
Speaks more softly than usual
When seated – tucks one leg under the other with knee pointing towards you / frequent crossing and uncrossing of legs / plays with shoe. Shoe dangles – more female.
Pretends she or he doesn’t notice you?
Are you good at detecting when someone fancies you?
Do you sometimes watch strangers and try to guess their relationship?
Who’s better at reading romantic body language – men or women?
When is it appropriate to touch someone you don’t know well?
Are you aware of your own body language as well as others’?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
“Whiskey on the Mississippi” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash
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hola solo quiero decir que esta seccion era genial cuando estaba entre la opcion de recursos en la pagina principal de la mansion del ingles pero ahora que quiero abrir el link me aparece error. por favor quisiera que me aparezca otra vez en el mismo lugar. en serio esto me ha ayudado mucho pero ahora cuando la quiero usar ya no me aparece, tampoco los dictados en ingles. porfavor arreglenlo
Hi Juan Carlos,
Hay paginas que han cambiado de sitio. Ahora, los dictados en inglés estan aquí en ‘otras actividades’. http://www.mansioningles.com/Recursos.htm Si hay otras páginas que no las encuentras, por favor dimelas y te mandaré las enlaces.
Hi Craig and Reza,
It’s Alberto from Australia.
How are you going? Here the weather is really hot. I heard that 5 bats died recently from the heat. Sometimes I miss the Spanish weather, specially during Chirstmas. All the heat and long sunny hours don’t help to imagine Santa coming with the Christmas spirit but despite all these, is nice to go to the beach and dress shorts all day.
I heard you asking to the listeners for new topics. If you don’t mind, I got several ideas.
– when to use the comma,
– the differences between been and being (like the examples I’ve been busy and I’ve being sarcastic) and
– how can we know when to use the -ing as an adverb after some verbs (like last episode a person who wrote to you, I think she said “due to the rain I arrive late”).
And last, I have being always a terrible non-verbal reader. I misunderstood so many times others people communication due the lack of interpretation.
Thanks for the ideas, Alberto. I’ve taken note and we’ll try to get to them as soon as possible.
I heard you guys had bad summer storms in some parts of Oz recently. Here in Valencia today it’s a beautifully sunny 18 degrees. Perfect for a cold-blooded Brit like me!