Body Language – AIRC238

Body Language - AIRC238

How do you know when someone is lying to you? We’re going to help you understand people’s body language in this episode.

Voice message from Eurico from Brazil who is coming to visit Spain.
Go to Spain in December – We’re going – France

Episode on Personal space; handshakes, kissing when you meet someone – the differences between Spanish and British cultures:

Vocabulary  body language
to/a bite – morder – bite, bit, bitten
to/a scratch – rascar
to/a rub – frotar
to clasp, hold – agarrar
Hip – cadera (* Colloquial adjective “hip” = cool, trendy – like a hipster)
to/a stroke – acariciar
chin – barbilla
to/a tug – to pull
to/a pat – palmear
to/a pinch – pellizcar – My grandmother used to pinch me on the cheek
Brisk – fast
To/a tap – dar golpecitos – I tapped softly on the door before I went in.
To/a tilt – inclinarse
Upright – vertical
Cheek – mejilla

What could these body language examples mean?

Arms crossed = defensive
Biting nails = nervousness, insecurity
Eye rubbing = disbelief, doubt
Legs crossed, hands clasped behind head = feeling confident, maybe over-confident
Legs crossed, one foot kicking slightly / head in hand / eyes down = bored
Hands on hips = ready for action, maybe aggressive (Superman, Wonderwoman)
Stroking the chin / Ear tugging, pulling = trying to decide
Open hands = sincerity and innocence
Hair patting = lacks confidence, feels insecure
Eyes closed, pinching the bridge of nose = doesn’t think much of what you’re saying
Brisk hand rubbing = looking forward eagerly to something
Drumming, tapping fingers = impatience, nervousness (tapping, clicking a pen)
Tilting the head = usually interested
Touching or rubbing the nose = in doubt about something, possibly lying
Walking briskly, quickly and upright = confidence
Hand on the cheek = thinking, evaluating
Hands behind the back = apprehension, frustration, possibly anger
Looking down with the face turned away = doesn’t believe what you’re saying
Scratching the head

Do you pay attention to people’s body language? In which situations are you more aware of body language?

How aware are you of your own body language?

If you want to read more about body language:
What Every Body Is Saying by Joe Navarro (Ex-FBI agent)

Reading People by Jo-Ellan Dimitrius (Jury expert) and Mark Mazzarella

…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message.
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons who are supporting the podcast (names on the website)

Special thanks to Bruno our Gold Sponsor who offers walking tours of Copenhagen – in English and Spanish –
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information:

Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Karo Torres
José Maria Hernandez Hernandez
Carmen Martínez
Rafael Castro Guzmán
Juan Pablo Chamorro Villoria

Join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly transcribed by Angélica Bello from Madrid.

On next week’s episode: Sewing and Knitting

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Olenka Kotyk on Unsplash

Our Wonderful Podcast Patreons are:

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Antonio Diaz
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Copenhagen Walking Tour
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Txema Santa Cruz
Oliver Burgos
Luis Jimenez












2 comments on “Body Language – AIRC238

  1. José Antonio (Toño Monroy) says:

    Hello! Craig and of course Hello! Reza, it’s me again, José Antonio Monroy, from Toluca México. I already found a way to be a sponsor with you and from today I am a sponsor and a fan of you, again, I do not have words to thank you for everything you do in your program for us, to start English, in a simple and fast way, in Serious guys, thank you very much.

    1. Craig says:

      Thank you for listening, José Antonio. Happy New Year!

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