We’re talking about pregnancy, giving birth and having babies on this episode with special guest Lynne.
to be pregnant – pregnancy – to take a pregnancy test (Would you trust a home pregnancy test?)
To be expecting (a baby) .eg. My wife’s expecting – we’re very happy.
Colloquial expressions for pregnant: to have a bun in the oven, to be in the family way, to be expecting/waiting to hear the patter of tiny feet
To be with child – old-fashioned expression for pregnant: eg. Mary was with child as she travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem
When’s the baby due?/When’s it due? NB. special use of “it” for baby (of undetermined sex)
Ultrasound / regular scans
Foetus (UK)/ fetus (USA) – unborn baby after about 8 weeks of pregnancy onwards
knowing the sex of your baby
Neonatal intensive care unit
morning sickness
to be overdue/late
to have a baby / to give birth
to bear a child – bear – bore – born (When/where were you born?)
NB. Avoid an extremely common error. I was born in Ireland – PASSIVE (‘I was born in Ireland’ is the correct form and NOT XI born in IrelandX)
Prenatal /antenatal – before giving birth
Postnatal – after giving birth
to be in labour
to cut the cord (the umbilical cord)
to deliver a baby
cesarean (C-section)
to miscarry, to have a miscarriage
maternity leave
to have an abortion
to breast feed
formula milk
General Discussion
What’s the age of consent in Spain? What should it be?
In what ways should a woman change her lifestyle during her pregnancy?
What duties and roles should the father have during a mother’s pregnancy?
What advice about pregnancy will you be giving to your daughters?
Did you have any specific cravings (antojos) while pregnant?
Do you think men could handle giving birth if Mother Nature had turned the tables and it was men who had to physically give birth?
Recommended: Luke’s English Podcast episode 502 The Birth of My Daughter: https://teacherluke.co.uk/2018/01/03/502-the-birth-of-my-daughter/
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Still and yet
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Alex Hockett on Unsplash
Thank you for your educational and fun podcast.
I feel bad that I have been listening to this awesome podcast for ages yet I haven’t said thank you.
Thank you again.
You’re more than welcome, Masami.
Sorry, the show notes are confusing here:
“NB. Avoid an extremely common error. I was born in Ireland – PASSIVE (I born in Ireland)”.
What we mean is “I was born In Ireland” is the CORRECT form.