When was the last time you practiced English? Will you be able to last until the end of this podcast? We’re looking at many different ways to use the word “last”.
Voice message from Andres from Ecuador – now living in London
Personal development
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Getting Things Done by David Allen (Organízate con eficacia)
The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
Also check out Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Pat Flynn, Malcolm Gladwell,
Voice message from Mamen from Biescas
I think you’ve been with bronchitis / the flu – I think you had bronchitis/the flu
What do we think about love at first sight?
Adjective: último – The last podcast was about biscuits (most recent)
What’s the last letter of the alphabet? (final)
Have you ever used the website lastminute.com? https://www.es.lastminute.com/
¿Quien es el último? – Who’s last (in line)?
Adverb: Who spoke last, you or me? Who signed up last on Patreon? (Who is our latest subscriber)
Lastly – finally – Firstly, secondly, thirdly, lastly…
Verb: durar – How long do our podcasts usually last? How long did your last phone last?
Do you think books and newspapers will last much longer?
Pronoun: I think that this podcast is even better than the last.
Last + time expression = in the past – pasado/a
eg. I saw Sam last week. Last month was great!
The last + time expression = past/present/future – el/la ultimo/a
eg. Tomorrow I’ll meet her for the last time./When was the last time you cried?/The last Friday of each month is payday.
Expressions and collocations with last
At last / at long last (finally) – por fin
Etta James – At Last – Lyrics
These last few days/weeks/months
To have the last word
Last forever
Last chance
Last but not least
Last name (surname)
Last night/week/weekend/year
The last round – beer – https://inglespodcast.com/203
The last straw
It’s on its last legs
To have the last laugh
The day/week before last
Mamen’s question focused on sentence transformations like:
Reza told his students that he will not explain this again.
This is the ___________________will explain this to his students.
Films with ‘last’ in the title (can you think of any?):
The Last of the Mohicans – Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe
The Last Emperor – Peter O’Toole, Joan Chen, Vivian Wu
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – Harrison Ford, Sean Connery
The Last Samurai – Tom Cruise, Billy Connolly
The Last King of Scotland – James McAvoy, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson
The Last Temptation of Christ – David Bowie, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel
Last Tango in Paris – Marlon Brando, Jean Piere Leaud, Catherine Breillat
X-Men: The Last Stand – Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman
Last Chance Harvey – Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson – romantic comedy
When was the last time you watched a romantic comedy?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. How many different uses of last can you include in a ninety second message? Can you last that long?
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 22 and 131 to 142.
On next week’s episode: Italy
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Michal Kubalczyk on Unsplash