We’re in the saddle today to talk about bikes. So, hold on to your handlebars and get peddling as we ride together through the very specific vocabulary of bikes and biking on this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Angeta from India
Lovely pronunciation (live)
It must be difficult to have a brother who lives so far away in Australia.
Voice message from Fernando from Madrid
The world of bikes
motorbike – motorcycle
Bicycle – bike
Motorcyclist – person who rides a motorbike
Cyclist – person who rides a bike
Biker – person who’s really into (interested in) the world of motorbikes
Moped – a less powerful motorbike, typically 50cc or under
Scooter – 1. similar to a motorbike but with a footboard for the rider’s feet; 2. A footboard mounted on two wheels with a long handle, originally designed for children
Bike/Bicycle vocabulary
To go cycling
To steer – to direct, using handlebars on a bike – to go round corners and bends
A mountain bike / road bike / tandem / hybrid / folding bike
Saddle – sillín
Handlebars – manillar
Pedals / to pedal – pedalear
mudguards – guardabarros
Gears – to change up/down – to shift gears
Wheels – ruedas (front wheel, back wheel) – tyres (to pump up the tyres – PSI=pounds per square inch) Valve – where the air enters/leaves the tyre
Spokes – criss crossed bits of metal that keep the wheel in shape
To get/fix a puncture (puncture – pinchazo)
Puncture repair kit
Frame – marco – crossbar – forks
Brakes – brake lever / brake cable / to pull the brakes
Reflector – used to reflect light and make the bike visible
Hi vis/high visibility jacket or vest
helmet – casco
Chopper – customised motorbike with extra-long front forks and high handlebars
To do/pull a wheelie – to move on only the back wheel
To freewheel – to move without pedalling
bike/cycle lanes
-Many people consider motorbikes “a death trap”. Do you agree? The rate of accidents is much higher than for cars.
– Should cyclists be allowed to mount the pavement?
– Bicycles are definitely environmentally friendly. What about motorbikes?
– What comes to mind when you think of Hell’s Angels?
– Are there enough bike/cycle lanes?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Onomatopoeia
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Hello there!! Very cute message from Agneta, and yes, it is amazing that a child from Delhi is listening to you guys. ( she didn’t actually speak with the typical Indian tone…)That means a lot. So, most probably you have listeners from all over the world. Getting big!!
Just wanted to mention a small thing about the translation from “frame” to “marco” which is not totally correct. Literaly yes, but we spaniards normally say “cuadro” when refering to the bike’s frame.
As usually, an interesting episode. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the clarification, Josep. I often make that mistake with ‘cuadro’ and ‘marco’.
It is confusing, I know… It’s like “review” and “revise”…. I still have problems with that… ;-))
Thanks for your clarification , Josep. Let me help you in return: review = check over something to see if it is alright or needs to be changed; revise = to study something you have already learnt (esp. for an exam).
Hello guys!!
I’d like to give my opinion about “frame” and its translation. As I have seen here, Joseph says that frame means to “cuadro”, and I totally disagree. I think that depend on the country which you are. In my country, Colombia, we all say “marco” when refering to bike’s frame. Cuadro is used to refer pictures’ frames.
It is just my opinion…
Thanks a lot and regards guys!
Hi Andres,
Thank you for your comment and for reminding us that there are many differences in Spanish (and in English) when we change from one country to another. I’ve just returned from the US and I noticed many differences in vocabulary and grammar between the US and the UK.