When do you use NO and when do you use NOT in English? We’ll help you understand the difference in this episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Veronica from Ibi, Alicante
“I have been listening to you for two years.”
Gatwick to London
Gatwick Express Train to Victoria station – 30 minutes (18 pounds – 10% discount online booking) (circle and district line) and then an underground to Holborn or Tottenham Court Road (central line
Taxi: http://taxis.gatwickairport.com/
EasyBus runs seven days a week and operates from North Terminal, bus stops 10 and 11. http://www.easybus.com/en/london-gatwick
Transport information: https://www.gatwickairport.com/to-and-from/gatwick-to-london/
Top 10 things to do in London episode 104: https://inglespodcast.com/2016/05/22/the-top-ten-things-to-do-in-london-airc104-2/
Pilar Martinez from France
I have a question, please:
In the two following sentences:
“Mr Thomas was to come for lunch last Monday” and ” We are to follow the signposts to Guildford”
I don’t understand the use of verb to be…I don’t see the meaning.
What time (tense?) is it?
Thanks in advance, Pilar
Voice message from Quique from Valencia
Xanswer to meX (answer (for) me)
1. It’s stuffy in here. Shall I open the window?
a) do (correct answer)
b) it is
c) you
d) you shall (pronunciation of ‘shall’)
Why isn’t the correct answer…..
‘Do’ can be used for emphasis: Please do come on time.
2. No biscuits before dinner (pronunciation of ‘biscuits’)
Not suitable for children under 15
No answers a ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ question – Would you like some more chocolate cake? – No thanks, I’m full.
No goes before a noun that has no article – No biscuits before dinner. I’ve no idea where your keys are.
No can be used before a noun that is preceded by an adjective – We have no bad reviews on iTunes (Apple Podcasts)
But not with ANY, MUCH, MANY or ENOUGH (There isn’t enough sugar in this coffee)
Not goes before a noun that has an article – The poor salary is not the reason for me leaving.
Not precedes any, much, many, or enough. – Not many podcasts have listeners as nice as ours.
Not makes a verb negative. – I don’t want to work this afternoon. / Pepito’s not coming to class today.
I have no money. = I don’t have (any) money.
She had no friend to turn to. = She didn’t have a/any friend to turn to.
They’ll confide in nobody. = They won’t confide in anybody.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. PLease send us a message or a question for our 200th episode.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons who are supporting the podcast:
Beatriz Sánchez
Pedro Martinez
Maite Palacín Perez
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Sara jarabo
Carlos Garrido
Juan Leyva Galera
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Miren Ful
Jose Luis Arregui
Agus Paolucci
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Manuel Garcia Betegón
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Jose Manuel Fernandez Picazo
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Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 18 and 131 to 142.
On next week’s episode: Ask Us Anything! – We’ll be celebrating our 200th episode!
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Andy Tootell on Unsplash