Paying Attention – AIRC197

Paying Attention - AIRC197

What is ADHD and how do you know if you have it? Is it difficult for you to pay attention? Then you need to listen to this podcast. Welcome to Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.

Voice message from Pilar Martinez from France

Voice message from Natalia from Argentina
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A correction from Angélica Bello – To sharpen a pencil is sacar punta al lápiz in Spanish, not sacar punto. Sacar punto sounds like for a knitting class 🙂

Email from Veronica Morphin
I would like to suggest a topic.
How about DA. Deficit of Attention (Attention deficit disorder, ADD).
We live in a busy world where we have to do a many things and get distracted easily.

To pay attention TO something/somebody (prestar atención)
To focus attention ON something/somebody
To draw somebody’s attention TO something
To concentrate ON something
To lose concentration
Attention span (duration of attention) – periodo de concentración – What’s the attention span of an adult?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder of the neurodevelopmental type.
It is characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person’s age.
The symptoms appear before a person is twelve years old, are present for more than six months, and cause problems in at least two settings (such as school, home, or recreational activities).
In children, problems paying attention may result in poor school performance.
Although it causes impairment (discapacidad), particularly in modern society, many children with ADHD have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting. (source: Wikipedia)

Symptoms: (Note: We are not doctors! Please get professional medical advice for ADHD diagnosis and treatment) paying attention
Easily distracted
Find it difficult to focus and concentrate on one task
Difficult to sit still – fidget and run around at the wrong times
Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
Act before thinking – impulsive
Makes careless mistakes
Adults: messy and disorganized, poor time management, fails to meet deadlines (fecha tope), loses things easily, often forgetful in daily activities and running chores (tareas), paying bills, keeping appointments etc.
Difficulty waiting in line (queuing up)
Talks a lot and interrupts others

Have you ever had, or suspected, a student with ADHD?
Is technology to blame for shortening our attention span?
The average attention span for an adult is…..??
Microsoft did a survey of Canadian media consumption in 2016 and found that adult’s attention span has dropped from 12 seconds (in 2000) to
8 seconds. We now officially have a shorter attention span than goldfish!
When and why were radios put into cars? Wasn’t driving entertainment enough?

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

Controversial thinking
Maybe not all people who appear to have or claim (afirmar) to have ADHD actually have it. Perhaps some, not all, are just rude, anti-social or too self-centred! What do you think?
Are more and more people being affected by ADHD as times goes by? Or was it underdiagnosed in the past, or overdiagnosed now?
The term ADD become officially accepted from 1980 and ADHD from 1987. What did they call it and how did they deal with such behaviour before that?

We are getting close to episode 200! ‘Ask us anything’.
Send us a voice message and let us know.
Or an email to [email protected] or Reza at [email protected]

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Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 18 and 131 to 142.

On next week’s episode: The Impersonal Passive

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Mona Magnussen on Unsplash








3 comments on “Paying Attention – AIRC197

  1. Susana says:

    Hi there!,

    Nice podcast, my first time here and enjoy it !..thank you for the program.
    By the way and following the thread of behavior disorders; Could you talk about asperger in adult people?


    1. Craig says:

      Thanks, Susana. I’m happy you like the podcast. Yes, we’ll speak about asperger and other disorders in a future podcast. Thank you for the idea.

    2. Reza says:

      Thanks Susana.Please keep listening!

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