The verbs Take and Get are very popular. Learn some useful expressions with take and get and how to ask questions correctly in English in this week’s episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza and Craig!
Voice message from Victor Delgado who wants to obtain B2 level. How can he do it?
Good night? – Good evening.
‘Today I talk to you….very important….to…how can I manage…how can I obtain…
I can check…how can manage…how can obtain..search this…level for me
Thank you for HELPING me
Episodes 160, 100 https://inglespodcast.com/160 https://inglespodcast.com/100
Study the curso básico at http://www.mansioningles.com/NuevoCurso.htm and take the level test: http://www.mansioningles.com/pruebanivel/pruebanivel1.htm
Email from Edgar from Mexico
Hi, Reza and Craig,
This is Edgar Ubaldo from Mexico, a now 2 year long loyal listener of your podcasts. Thank you so much for your dedication. It is very valuable for many of us.
Your love for podcasting always helps us to correct and perfect our English skills. 🙂
I’m writing to you because I am confused a little bit with the grammar and syntax of some expressions/questions like:
– What happens? shouldn’t this be: What does it happen? due to the word order and ‘it’ as the grammatical pronoun?.
– What happened? shouldn’t this be: what did it happen?
– What causes the rain/air pollution/the delay? shouldn’t it be: what does it cause the rain/air pollution? in this case, I am interested on (in) knowing the reason responsible for the rain/air pollution/the delay.
– What causes happiness in life? Is this one correct? I am interested in knowing the reason as well.
To answer Edgar, we need to know the function of question words: subject or not
Eg. Who (OBJECT) did you (SUBJECT) meet in the supermarket yesterday? – Question form, including added auxiliary verb (did) if necessary.
Eg. Who (SUBJECT) shot Kennedy (OBJECT)? – Positive form, not question form, when question word is subject
What time do you (SUBJECT) usually meet? – Question form
Where can we (SUBJECT) buy some vegetables? – Question form
What vegetable (SUBJECT) costs the most in the shop? – Positive form
How many eggs have you (SUBJECT) bought? – Question form
How many eggs (SUBJECT) are lying on the table? – Positive form
Whose book has she (SUBJECT) borrowed? – Question form
Whose book (SUBJECT) looks the best? – Positive form
Voice message from Bibiana from Toledo/Madrid
Take and Get
Phrasal verbs with take: https://inglespodcast.com/125
Expression with TAKE
To take for granted – dar por hecho, no valorar – What do you think you take for granted?
Take advantage of – aprovechar, explotar – Do your students ever take advantage of you?
To take pride in (something) – proud (adjective), pride (noun) – take pride in your work, take pride in your appearance, take pride in your wonderful English. What do you take pride in?
To take a joke – Some people are good at taking a joke
To take offence at something – Some people take offence at certain jokes
Take a risk – When was the last time you took a risk?
To be taken to hospital (llevar) – take to school
To take pity on someone – Craig takes pity on his students
To take pleasure – we take a lot of pleasure in doing this podcast
To take advice – give advice TO somebody – take advice FROM somebody.
Uses of GET : https://inglespodcast.com/2015/08/09/uses-of-get-airc63/
Expression with GET
I’m getting old
The weather’s getting hotter
What did you get (receive) for Christmas?/ What did you get (buy) your mum for Christmas?
It gets dark early in the winter
Get married/divorced/drunk
Things can only get better
I get it/I don’t get it
Get a life!
Get lost!
Get your teeth into something
We are getting close to episode 200! ‘Ask us anything’.
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Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 17 and 131 to 142.
On next week’s episode: Chatting with your friends in English
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Congratulations to you and congratulations to me 🙂 You’ve done nearly 200 hundred episodes and I’ve listened to them all. ..approximately 30 min per episode..:) oh yes, it’s a huge amount of time.. lovely time.. I really appreciate your work and commitment!
So do I!
Every Sundays, I like listening to the new podcast, the new week´s episode of Aprender Inglés.
Congratulatins Reza and Craig.
Best regards!
Thank you for listening. We really appreciate it!
And thanks to you too, Berebere!
Thanks Elisa. We really appreciate you listening!