How many parts of speech are there? If verbs are one part and nouns another, how many are there in total? Find out in this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig
Voice message from Veronica Morfin (Ronnie)
Bucket list – things you want to do before you die
The Bucket List – Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0825232/
What’s on your bucket list? (buy your first home, start a blog, visit The Grand Canyon, meet a famous person, do a parachute jump)
Voice message from Rafa from Alicante
Anna’s advice Episode 186 – 8 self-study tips
IVOOX: https://www.ivoox.com/en/
FCE Trainer podcast – listening tests from the book (on ivoox)
English listening practice – paid service $3 per month.
‘Thank you for your programme. I enjoy (IT)’
The Parts of English Speech
1. Verbs – are, go, take, love, eat etc. I love this podcast.
(Note: verbs can be divided into main verbs: study, work, go etc. and operator verbs: must, can, do, did, be, will, might, could, etc. Operator verbs include modals and auxiliaries)
I couldn’t sleep well last night.
Do you enjoy our podcast?
2. Adverbs (describe a verb, adjective or adverb) – slowly, clearly, fast, everywhere, yesterday, very, really
She works well.
Mr. Bolt runs extremely fast.
3. Nouns – people, things, animals, places, ideas or events
This podcast is the business.
Reza is a great bloke.
We live in Valencia, Spain.
4. Pronouns – I, me, it, she, mine, hers, we, who, etc.
We had no water, so she offered us hers.
5. Adjectives (describes a noun) – wonderful, big, Spanish, attractive, hard-working, etc.
There are some marvellous attractions for adventurous tourists in Greece.
He is happy.
6. Determiners (limits a noun) – the, a/an, this, that, some, each, etc. – There are too many potatoes on my plate./ Some people have all the luck!
(Note: Determiners may be treated as adjectives, instead of being a separate part of speech)
7. Prepositions – under, of, off, on, in, throughout, despite, etc.
The guitarist broke away from the group before July in an unexpected announcement, despite his promise to stay.
8. Conjunctions – and, because, while, when, or, etc.
Make hay while the sun shines!
9. Interjections/exclamations – Hey! Ouch! Wow! Oops! Oh! F#*k! Etc.
10. Enumerators – one, two, three, first, second, twelfth, thirty-first, etc.
They counted eleven famous actors in one Hollywood café.
Test yourself
Focus on just one part of speech in each sentence.
Eg. Find all the adjectives in this sentence:
Some lovely learners tell us AIRC is a very useful podcast.
Verbs – Watch where you’re going, idiot!
Adverbs – “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well,” Mr. Wealand often says.
Nouns – The invention of the mobile phone has changed our world.
Pronouns – The man who lives there is my brother’s friend, not mine.
Adjectives – A very wise old woman once told me to be happier for my own good.
Determiners – Some people complain about the huge crowds at many popular events.
Prepositions – In a way, I admit I am in debt to John for his help until now.
Conjunctions – Mary says that we must sink or swim because there’s a crisis.
Interjections/Exclamations – Ouch! Hey, watch what you’re doing with that pole!
Enumerators – On the 6th of May, at eight o’clock, the one and only Shakira will be performing live.
We are getting close to episode 200! ‘Ask us anything’.
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We’d like to thank our Patrons on Patreon:
Bruno our Gold Sponsor
Walking tours of Copenhagen https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
– both in English or Spanish! copenhagenwalkingtour.com
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve on their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
Beatriz Sánchez
Pedro Martinez
Maite Palacín Perez
Rafa Bancells
Néstor García Mañes http://nestorgm.com/ Luces Extrañas
Sara Jarabo
Carlos Garrido
Juan Leyva Galera
Corey Fineran http://www.ivyenvy.com/
Miren Ful
Jose Luis Arregui
Agus Paolucci
Mariel Riedemann
Manuel Garcia Betegón
Manuel Tarazona
Juan Carlos Rodado
Pilar Martinez Andres
Ganbatte Blog
Ana Giovanna
Igor Garmendia
Ignacio Espona
Our latest Patrons: Carlos Garcia, Patxi Ibáñez, Ana Ibarra
We now have 28 patrons of the show and $71 per month – nearly ¾ of the way to our target of $100. If you’ve been thinking about joining our Patreon program for as little as $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly translated by Angélica Bello. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 17 and 131 to 142.
On next week’s episode: Expressions with Take and Get
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Pedro Nogueira on Unsplash