Have you ever been to a chemist’s or drugstore while travelling? We’re going to help you with the specific vocabulary you may need if you feel a bit sick while on holiday.
Voice message from Mamen
Bea https://inglespodcast.com/183
Brighton on the south coast
She’s been living there for…
TV series
Fair enough – that’s reasonable (me parece justo, está bien)
An email from Angélica Bello
I would like to suggest a podcast topic: vocabulary associated to the pharmacy (it could be from items you find in the chemist, to common diseases , idioms etc…).
Angélica (AIRCoholic)
Chemist’s and pharmacy is British English
Drugstore is American English
When you feel sick, ill, under the weather. When you don’t feel well.
Cough medicine/lozenges/syrup

at the chemist, pharmacy, drugstore
Plasters (UK) = Band-aids (USA) – tiritas
Bandages (bendajes) / gauzes (gazas)
Creams / Gels / Ointments / Lotions / Pastes / Oils / Balms / Foams etc.
travel sickness/hay fever/indigestion tablets or pills or capsules
Aspirin / painkillers / paracetamol (Why is it difficult to get painkillers in the jungle? – because the parrots eat them all – ‘paracetamol’!)
Laxatives – laxante
Lip balm – balsamo
Herbal remedies
Sunscreen, sun cream/sunblock (to avoid sunburn)
After-sun lotion
Insect repellent, mosquito spray
Wet wipes / baby wipes / baby food / disposable nappies (UK) – pañales / dypers (US)
Baby powder
Sterilising tablets
Sanitary napkins/towels/pads (an absorbent item worn by a woman while menstruating)
Pantyliner (an absorbent piece of material used for feminine hygiene)
Condoms – condónes = preservatives = conservantes)
Pregnancy test kit
Eyedrops – gotas oftálmicas
Earbuds (bastoncillos de algodón, auriculares) – also Q-tips or cotton swabs (US)
Nail clippers – cortauñas
nailfile – lima de uñas
Do you have something for…
I’ve got a pain in my…..
I’ve got a headache, toothache, earache, backache, stomach ache
Can you recommend something for…..
Can I get……without a prescription
How often should I take it/them?
Are there any side effects?
Have you got something for diarrhea (USA) / diarrhoea (UK)?
Can I take this with …..?
Should I take this on an empty stomach/with food / after eating / between meals?
“Keep out of reach of children” – “Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños” – written on some medication
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Many thanks to Patricia Alonso who has been working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 131 to 142, and episodes 1 to 11.
If you want more that that, join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly translated by Angélica Bello from Madrid. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
On next week’s episode: Stationery Addiction
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’