We’re talking about sexual intercourse on today’s podcast.
Welcome to Aprender Inglés with Reza and Craig. – Welcome to special guest, Bea who has appeared twice before as a guest on this podcast.
The Article: https://inglespodcast.com/41
Present perfect simple and continuous: https://inglespodcast.com/18
Voice message from Lyan from Panama. Spoke about pronunciation and native speaker accent in episode 169. There is a lot of pronunciation help in mansion intermedio audio course http://store.mansioningles.net/
‘Tank you’ – thank you /th/ sound.
Sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. (also ‘social intercourse’ – the interchange of communication, relationships, connections etc)
Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. – to reproduce
Phrasal verb: to sex something up – Present something in a more interesting or lively way. (to make it more sexy)
To have sex (with)
To have intercourse (with)
To make love (with)
To sleep with someone
To have relations (with)
To get off with someone / make out with (US)
To spend the night with someone – (to have) a one-night stand (tacky = in bad taste – hortera, cutre, chabacano/a)
To do the business
To get laid (*could be offensive)
More expressions
To do it
To make it with someone
To procreate
To copulate
To mate (animals)
To get lucky
To get it on
To have it off (*could be offensive)
To take (someone) to bed
To hit a home run
To go all the way
To screw (someone) (*could be offensive)
To be intimate (with someone)
To do the deed
To lie with someone – archaic (to know someone in the biblical sense)
To jump/climb into bed with someone
To bonk (*could be offensive)
To get your leg over
To get your rocks off (*could be offensive)
To hump (*could be offensive)
To shag (*could be offensive)
To make whoopee
To bed someone
A roll in the hay
Rumpy pumpy
Sexual partners
Spouse = husband/wife
(Life/Romantic) partner
Mistress = extra-marital female partner
Long-term partner
Mistress = extra-marital female partner (master/mistress?)
Toyboy = younger male partner of an older woman
Sugar daddy = older male partner of younger woman
a trophy wife = an older man who is married to a younger woman can be said to have ‘a trophy wife’
“Dirty old man” = older, predatory older man – insult
More expressions
“Friend with benefits”/”A special friend” – not very discreet expressions!
“Lady friend”
“The other half”/ “My better half”
“The Mrs” = “the missus” – wife/girlfriend
“The Old Man” = husband/boyfriend
Hubby = husband/boyfriend
“Bit on the side” = extra-marital partner
“A fling” = very short-term partner
Hooker/Call girl/Hustler/”Lady of the night”/Whore (*offensive) = Prostitute
Escort = woman paid to accompany a man
Gigolo = Male escort/prostitute/sex worker
Infidelity = sleeping with someone other than your (steady) partner. Similar terms:
To have an affair (with somebody)
To sleep/play around
To cheat (on someone)
To be unfaithful (to someone)
(to commit) adultery (refers specifically to spouses)
More expressions
To do the dirty (on someone)
To be untrue (to someone)
Dalliance – old-fashioned
Extra-marital affair (refers specifically to spouses)
(To have) a bit on the side
Gay (NB. pronunciation) = Homosexual
Straight = Heterosexual
Voyeur = person who likes to watch others having sex
Red light district = area known for prostitution (eg. Amsterdam’s famous for one)
Brothel = room(s) where prostitution occurs
More expressions
Porn = pornography
“To come out (of the closet)” = to openly declare you’re gay
Good in bed/the sack = good at sex
“A rubber” = Condom
“The pill” = the contraceptive pill
The morning-after pill – self explanatory – better late than never!
“To take precautions” = to use contraception
To practise safe sex = to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Mansion Intermedio Audio
14 lessons, 9 hours audio – mp3 and pdf – vocab (You won’t hear about sex, but you will hear about love, sport, family, cinema,, money, holidays and travel), grammar and pronunciation: http://store.mansioningles.net/
British attitudes to sex. Is it ok for students to talk about sex with native speakers?
Can you have a great, long-lasting sex life with the same partner?
What do you think should be the legal age of consent (when people can legally start having sex)?
Can you learn to be passionate about someone if there’s no chemistry at first?
to fizzle out = apargarse
(Why) do women often get more criticism than men about their sex life?
Does true sexual equality exist between men and women?
…and now it’s your turn to practise…your English. What’s your opinion about the questions we’ve discussed? Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Miren Ful
On next week’s episode: Natural Disasters
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
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