We’re talking about DIY and home improvement vocabulary on this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza Y Craig
An email question about prepositions from nasi.saba
Hi Reza, I hope your doing well.
I have a question. Is this sentence correct?
“Thank you because you put a lot of time and energy for the group.”
Is the use of the the preposition of correct there?
I know this one is correct:
“Thank you because you put a lot of time and energy into the group.”
Is there a difference in meaning?
Thank you for your wonderful podcast.
Voice message from Bahel about body language
We spoke about this in https://inglespodcast.com/162.
Email from Vicente from Alicante
Hello everybody around the world. I am Vicente from Alicante (Spain).
I wish I had known about this different, funny way to learn English decades before (ago).
My comprehension is going to improve a lot and listening to the messages of our friends from Paraguay, México, Perú.. we can understand that problems in our fluency with the British language are the same for everyone, you were from you were (wherever you’re from/regardless of where you’re from).I want to ask your opinion about the current situation in Cataluña and if you if you find there are circumstances coincidence (similarities) in the question of independence in Scotland.or Quebec, Canada.
Regards from the Mediterranean to everyone, my special thanks to Craig and Reza. I’ve become a fan of these podcasts. Love them. (a new AIRCoholic!)
We’d rather not comment. This isn’t a political podcast, we’re here to help you with your English.
DIY and Home Improvement
a/to hammer – martillo/ar
a/to nail – clavo/ar
screwdriver – destornillador
a/to screw – tornillo/desatornillar
allen keys – llave Allen
nut and bolts – tuercas y tornillos (‘I can show you all the nuts and bolts of podcasting.’ – principios, elementos básicos)
pliers – pinza, alicate
spanner (UK)/wrench (US) – llave de tuercas, llave inglesa
tape measure – cinta métrica
(an/to electric) drill – taladro/ar
drill bits – brocas
ladder – escalera
to/a saw – sierra/serrar
Spirit level – nivel – for measuring that things are flat
a toolbox – caja de herramientas
change a lightbulb – bombilla / change a plug – enchufe
fit a cooker
fix/mend/repair a computer / car / engine / a leaking toilet (to leak – gotear, chorrear)
install airconditioning
tighten a screw – apretar un tornillo
paint/decorate/redecorate/refurbish/remodel/renovate/do up a flat – reformar
put up shelves
repair a leaky tap/faucet
rewire the house – renovar la instalación eléctrica
tile a shower / bathroom (a tile – azulejo)
unblock a toilet/drain – desbloquear (drain – desague)
a flat pack – furniture sold in pieces in a flat pack
self-assembly – what you do with a flat pack
to measure something – measure size, length, width, height, flatness, straightness, etc.
a plank (long and thin) of wood/a piece of wood
“a spanner in the works” – something that ruins/disrupts everything else (eg. All my holidays plans were ruined by a French air traffic control strike -what a spanner in the works!)
“a good workman never blames his tools” – a professional accepts when he could do better
to be good with your hands – manitas
Do you enjoy DIY?
Which tools should any house or flat not be without?
Which DIY project are you most proud of? Which has been the most disastrous?
fork-lift truck – carretilla elevadora
Did Reza ever do up his flat? NO – it’s a long story!!! He procrastinated so much that he has lost the will to do it.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Are you good with your hands? Do you have any funny or disastrous DIY stories to tell us? We’d love to hear them.
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Patreon news:
Full Transcripts of our podcasts available on Patreon (Angelica Bello is translating one per week) and How to Pass a Job Interview mp3 and pdf and your questions answered.
The transcriptions that were done for free by Arminda, Alberto from Granada and Angélica will still be available (episodes 131 to 142, and episodes 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Patreon subscribers will now get additional transcripts.
Some corrections and comments from episode 177 How to write an email to a technical support team:
Capa duro – Tapa dura
a new decodifier for my television – a new decoder for my television
I’m game to challenge (to be ‘game to do something’ means tener ánimos hacerlo) – I’m up for it. ‘Are you game?’ – Are you willing? ¿Te animas?
If you consider yourself an AIRCoholic and would like to join us on Patreon,, go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Our lovely sponsors are:
Pedro Martinez
Manuel García Betegón
Maite Palacín Pérez
Sara Jarabo
Carlos Garrido
Zara Heath Picazo
Lara Arlem
Juan Leyva Galera
Corey Fineran
Mariel Riedemann
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopez
Maria Gervatti
Manuel Tarazona
Agus Paolucci
Néstor García Mañes http://nestorgm.com/ Luces Extrañas
Juan Carlos
Rafa Bancells
Beatriz Sanchez
Jose Luis Arregui
Miren Ful
On next week’s episode: sex
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
El es “un” manitas… Un manitas. That’s what we normally say…. or.. “el manitas de la casa” for instance.
But normally we tend to use sentences such as: “es un manitas el tio este…” or, “estás hecho un manitas!”
Useful episode guys, thank you! and thank you again for keeping out of the Spain/Cataluña stuff…we get enough of that from TV and newspapers…which is a too much!
Thanks for your feedback, Francisco.