Who are your favourite British music artists? We’ll tell you ours and explain the difference between upside down, inside out and back to front in this episode of…..Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Edgard from Santiago de Chile
Sorry to hear that you were ‘laid off’
I was laid off XtheX last month – I was laid off last month. (The last month = El último mes “The last month of the year is December.”)
‘I’ll be facing some interviews in English’
Great pronunciation
XI come across with your podcastX ‘I came across your podcast.’
We spoke about job interviews in episode 58 – job interview questions. Episode 43 – How to have a job interview in English and work vocabulary
How To Pass a Job Interview in English – Free if you are a Patreon of this podcast.
Hi to Melina and congratulations on getting a new (and better) job!
Audio feedback on episode 165 about chemistry from Maria and Alex
Feedback from Maite from Xátiva about the upside down King Felipe V.
First of all, I’d like to thank you for everything you do. I really enjoy listening to your superb podcasts.
Secondly, just as you asked for, here is my little research about the upside down King Felipe V.
Apparently, it was a Francesc Gil’s idea, canon of the Seu of València in the 50’s, who suggested Museu de l’Almoradí’s manager to hang the painting upside down as a symbolic meaning of punishment.
Felipe V ordered (his men) to burn Xàtiva twice and he also exchanged its name for San Felipe.
Don`t you think that this is more than enough probable cause?
Kisses, Maite.
Upside down – boca abajo, al revés / inside out – al revés
The picture was hung upside down – I put on my T-shirt inside out – and back to front – al revés)
Upside down
Inside out
Back to front
Email from Alex PerDel from the podcast Aventura Biligüe
20th, 21st, 22nd October “IV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA ENSEÑANZA BILINGÜE EN CENTROS EDUCATIVOS” in Madrid 20% discount on Alex’s webpage:
Sadly, we won’t be meeting Alex in Alicante at JPod 27th, 28th, 29th October: XII Jornadas de Podcasting http://jpod.es/
Voice message from Paco from Badajoz
It’s time to ‘renew our commitment to the English language with energy and enthusiasm’!
We should monetize the podcast – we are!
This podcast will always be free.
Teacher Luke XdirectionX address/URL (Uniform Resource Locator) https://teacherluke.co.uk/
A Cup of English: http://www.acupofenglish.com/
Email from Francisco, from Úbeda.
Hi friends, how are you doing?
Just to say the episode about music was brilliant (episode 163). I empathize with Reza because I played the guitar in a heavy metal band when I was younger.
I had to leave because of my degree and it was a difficult decision, but the right one.
Nowadays I still play my Gibson at home, remembering the real buzz you feel when you pull the strings on the stage.
By the way, have you ever made any episode about the British rock legends? Would you consider it? The Beatles, Pink floyd, The Who, Deep Purple, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden…..and so on.
I’m deeply in love with British music, in my opinion it’s the best item of your culture (the best thing about your culture).
Thanks a million for everything, cheers from Úbeda!
Ground-breaking (to break ground – abrir camino, ser pionero)
To innovate – innovar – innovation, innovative
Influential – influyente – to have influence
To lead the way
Cutting edge (edge can be ‘borde’ – the edge of the table – or ‘ventaja’ – tall basketball players have an edge.
Trendsetting – creating a fashion
A “wannabe” – someone who wants to be famous
Up and coming – just starting to achieve recognition
At the peak of your career
Past your best – no longer at your peak (too old to Rock ‘n’ Roll, too young to die!)
An unsung hero – Somebody who should be known for their achievements but isn’t.
Who are your favourite British rock and pop legends?
David Bowie
Annie Lennox
The Spice Girls
Eric Clapton
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards
Dusty Springfield
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr
Robert Plant, Jimmy Page
Roger Daltrey
Joan Armatrading
Elton John
Freddy Mercury
Van Morrison
Ozzy Osborne
Liam & Noel Gallagher
Mark Knopfler
Rod Stewart
Paul Weller
George Michael
Amy Winehouse
Kate Bush
Elvis Costello
Roger Waters, Syd Barrett, David Gilmour, etc.
Phil Collins
Peter Gabriel
Phil Lynott (was born in England but raised in Ireland)
Gary Moore, (from Northern Ireland, was a successful soloist as well as Thin Lizzy member.
Those of a certain age will know this very famous 1979 ballad, co-written by Moore and Lynott, even if you didn’t know who wrote it:
Etc, etc….The list is endless!
Some common music styles in the UK:
blues, rock, heavy metal, death metal, progressive rock, new age, ska, hard rock, punk rock, Bhangra, electric folk, folk rock, folk punk, acid jazz, trip hop, indie, shoegaze, grunge, drum and bass, goth rock, grime, Britpop and dubstep.
How do very good musicians achieve the status of legend? How do they stand out?
Do all rock and pop stars deserve (= merecer) their fame?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Who are your British music legends? Who are your favourite bands and musicians?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
If you would like more detailed show notes, go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Our lovely sponsors are:
Nikolay Dimitrov
Ana Cherta
Pedro Martinez
Manuel García Betegón
Maite Palacín Pérez
Lara Arlem
Maria Gervatti
Sara Jarabo
Carlos Garrido
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
Corey Fineran
Mariel Riedemann
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopez
Manuel Tarazona
Agus Paolucci
Manuel Velázquez
Néstor García Mañes http://nestorgm.com/ Luces Extrañas
Juan Carlos
Rafa Bancells
Beatriz Sanchez
Jose Luis Arregui
Miren Ful
– How to Pass a Job Interview mp3 and pdf
We want to thank Arminda from Madrid, Alberto from Granada and Angélica Bello from Madrid for continuing to transcribe full transcriptions.
We now have full transcriptions for episodes 131 to 142, and episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 thanks to Angélica.
On next week’s episode: Camping
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Thanks a million guys, wonderful episode! Gary Moore´s ballads are all incredible…what about this one?
Nobody makes the guitar speak like him…R.I.P.
I’m glad you enjoyed this episode, Francisco. Thanks for the Youtube clip. I really enjoyed it. Yes, RIP the one and only Gary Moore.