In this episode we’re going to help you with your news vocabulary. Do you listen to the news? Are you confused with those long words they use on the BBC? We’ll help you understand them in this episode.
Hi Reza and Craig ,
I´m Francisco from El Ejido, Almeria and a long time fan . There is something that annoys me a lot and I´m wondering if other people feel the same .
The thing that annoys me is the bad use of English e.g. gonna instead of going to, wanna instead of want to, (and the most annoying one that we hear in every song these days) ain´t instead of aren’t or isn’t.
Does this annoy you or am I the only one? I am asking this because this is a subject that you haven´t yet covered in your podcasts. I would love if you could speak about this subject.
Kind regards,
Francisco Gutierrez.
Cortado – cortau / cuñado – cunyau – people are lazy!
Is it bad use or just different? What about written text messages?
‘Yeah’ instead of ‘yes’?
Should language be fossilized or is it constantly evolving and changing? – should there be a committee to protect language? – language police?
Voice message from Ignacio from Granada
Vocabulary often heard and read in the news
Remember that ‘news’ is an uncountable noun (some news / a piece of news / I have good news)
deadline – fecha límite, fecha tope
headlines – titular, cabecera
foreign correspondent – corresponsal extranjero, corresponsal en el extranjero
researcher – investigador, investigadora (do research, not make!)
to bury the lead
to cover a story – to report on an event or development
eyewitness reports
breaking news
newsreader (UK) / newscaster (USA) – presentador de noticias
More vocabulary
To axe – cut, cancel (axe = hacha) – More jobs have been axed at the Toyota plant.
To back – respaldar – support, agree with. Will you back me if I ask for a pay rise?
To blast – criticise, condemn – The Prime Minister was blasted over his decision to cut government spending.
boost – increase – Huge boost in the economy
breakthrough – success – Breakthrough in fight against cancer
clash – disagree, fight – Famous author clashes with her publicist
crackdown – control, purge – Police crackdown on drugs
face – afrontar – confront – We need to face facts / you have to face the music / Let’s face it….
fury/outrage – extreme anger – Fury as police arrest famous footballer / Outrage as killer is set free
To go on the rampage – cause chaos, riot – Russian fans go on rampage after soccer match
To hit – affect – Elderly hit as temperatures drop
Plea – súplica – request – Students’ plea for more government funding
pledge – promise – Valencia City Council pledges better transport service
probe – Investigate, investigation – Probe into paintings missing from museum
To purge – control, crackdown, get rid of – to purge something of – purgar algo de) purge on illegal drug use
To quit – dejar – resign, leave – Politician quits education post
To raid / to swoop – attack – Police raid houses looking for terrorists – police swoop on drug den.
shake up – reform – Shake-up in police bureaucracy
To slam – criticise – Prime Minister slammed for backing the US.
To snub – avoid, fail to meet – Spanish Prime Minister snubs president
vow – promise – Home Secretary vows to reduce prostitution
We post BBC and VOA videos on our Facebook page at facebook.com/mansioningles
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Carlos Garrido
Zara Heath Picazo
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Manuel García Betegón
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Raul Lopez
Manuel Tarazona
Mariel Riedemann
Maite Palacín Pérez
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We want to thank Arminda from Madrid for continuing to transcribe full transcriptions.
There are now full transcriptions for episodes 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139 and 140.
On next week’s episode: Would and Used To
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hi Francisco, from El Ejido. This is Josep from BCN. I read your comment about “ain’t, gonna, and wanna” and in my humble opinion, I think that is not an annoying habit. As a matter of fact, we, spaniards, do the same. Pay attention for instance at how people from the south of Spain, specially, pronounce certain words such as: “cucha” instead of “escucha”… or, “diesisei” instead of “dieciseis”, just to metion a few.
Languages are not an exact science, therefore you can’t expect them to stay put forever. Try to read any Spanish book more than fifty or hundred years old, and you will see how different the old fashion Spanish was compared to today.
Just don’t use those expressions, the “wanna” , “gonna”, when you are taking an oral exam in English !!