In this episode we’re going to help you understand and use vague language. What are you doing later this evening? – I’ve got to sort out some stuff at home. (What stuff?)
Listener Feedback: A question from Vanessa in my FCE class: What is the difference between “even though” and “even so”? When do you use the first and when do you use the second?
EVEN THOUGH = aunque, a pesar de que – “I decided to walk to the library even though it was raining.” / “Decidí caminar hasta la biblioteca aunque estaba lloviendo.”
EVEN SO = aun así – “I know you don’t like vegetables, darling. Even so, you must eat them.” / “Ya sé que no te gustan las verduras cariño. Pero aun así te las tienes que comer.”
Vague language – not distinct (vago/a)
Sometimes vague language is bad:
How much does this cost? – Around 15 quid, more or less.
Legal contracts and documents, for example, shouldn’t be vague.
When we speak though, we often use vague language.
What did you do yesterday morning?
I took the number 19 bus into the centre of Valencia and bought a pair of blue shoes and a beige pair of shorts in El Corte Inglés. Then I met Michelle for coffee in Starbucks at 12.30. (too much boring detail!)
I went into town to get a few things and then I met a friend for coffee. (more natural)
Vague language
STUFF – There’s so much stuff in my bag. / Clean all that stuff off the floor. (stuff is uncountable: “A lot of stuff” / “Lots of stuff.” / “Much stuff” / “Loads of stuff.”
What’s that stuff you use to make your hair soft?
THINGS – Pass me that thing/thingy on the table. / Don’t forget to take all those things with you when you go.
Are you going to that thing this weekend?
Have you got a lot of stuff to do tonight? (I’ve got a few bits and bobs/bits and pieces/odds and sods to do)
Vague language for numbers and quantities
Loads of
A few
A couple
Lots of
More or less
How many emails do you think I got yesterday in the Mansión Inglés and Inglespodcast email accounts?
I got 117 emails yesterday – I got loads of emails yesterday.
Reza had 5 biscuits with his tea. – Reza had a few biscuits with his tea.
Vague language to make a list shorter
…..and that kind/sort of thing
….and so on
…..etcetera (etc)
….and things like that
….or something
….or something like that
What do you like to do at weekends? – Sleep in ‘till late. go to the beach, meet up with friends, listen to podcasts, read, drink beer and watch TV series. – You know, sleep in drink beer with friends, that kind of thing. (Don’t give EVERY DETAIL)
What kind of food do you eat when you’re home in Belfast?
Meat, potatoes, stew and things like that.
He’s got a flash new sports car; a Jaguar or BMW or something.
Improve your speaking with an italki teacher
Vague language to be indirect
Do you want to go back to that French restaurant?
Not really, it’s expensive. (direct)
Not really, it’s kind of expensive. / Not really, it’s a bit expensive. (more indirect)
What do you think of Tom?
He sort of annoys me sometimes. (‘sort of’ makes the criticism softer)
I kind of don’t really feel like going out tonight. (indirect) = I want to stay in! (direct)
Let’s meet at 11 to record the podcasts. (direct)
Let’s meet about/around 11 to record the podcasts. (indirect)
Can you get here at 11?
Can you get here around 11? (Using rising intonation also makes this more indirect, softer and polite – less like an order)
Approximately / roughly
Approximately – I can do this for you for approximately 250 euros.
Roughly – There’s roughly 16 in the class.
Vague language when you’ve forgotten a name or a word.
Thingy – Pass me that thingy on the table.
Whatsit / What’s it called – Where’s the whatsit that you change channels with?
You’d better tell whatsit – what’s his name – the guy in charge of the conference.
Thingamajig – Take out the plastic thingamajig and then put the batteries in.
What’s it called? / What do you call it? – I need to open this bottle of wine, but I haven’t got a ….what’s is called?…the thing you open bottles with…….ahh! a corkscrew!
Whatshisname / whatshername / whatshisface / whatsherface (What is her face?) – I got an email from er…whatshisname? Er..y’know, that bloke from Madrid this morning. (not used in written English and NOT used in person to someone’s face! XHey, you, whatsyourface, can you pass the wine?X
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Carlos Garrido
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
Sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Manuel García Betegón
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopez
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona
On next week’s episode: Time clauses (a question from Ivan from Valencia)
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’