In this episode we’re going to help you revise and practise prepositions that are commonly found after some popular nouns.
Listener Feedback: Mamen
Mamen listens to podcasts while walking the dog. That’s a great idea!
“It’s been a while since I’ve spoken to you”
Thanks for the invitation to visit Biescas. We’ll try to make it up there at the end of the summer.
Have a wonderful summer!
A dependent preposition is a preposition that always follows the same expression; for example, we say ‘interested in’ and not X ‘interested on‘ or ‘interested about‘ X.
As we saw in the previous two episodes, dependent prepositions can depend on a verb or adjective, as well as a noun.
There are dependent prepositions which go before certain nouns and others that go after certain nouns.
in agreement – Are we in agreement with the way English should be taught?
in doubt – I’m in doubt about which course to write next.
in a hurry – Are you in a hurry to finish this podcast?
increase/decrease in – rise/fall in “There’s been a fall in the value of the euro and the pound.”
difficulty in/with – Is there anything you’re having difficulty with?
(take) advantage of – Take advantage of these podcasts and the free courses on mansioningles.com
as a result of – As a result of this podcast we’ve met some wonderful people.
information about/on – Where can listeners find information about/on FCE courses? On the Mansión Inglés website
anxiety about – She feels a lot of anxiety about her test tomorrow.
on strike – Have you ever gone on strike?
on average – How much coffee do you drink on average?
on the whole – On the whole, are you pleased with life in Valencia?
opinion on (attitude towards) – What’s your attitude towards underage drinking?
at risk – Do you think the EU is at risk? Will it break up?
at fault – I apologise. I am at fault. Sorry!
need for – There’s a need for good government. / There’s a need for change.
reason for – What’s the reason for the indecision in Spanish politics?
taste for – There’s a well-known podcaster with a taste for dark chocolate.
under guarantee/warranty – have you got anything at home that’s still under guarantee?
under age – Did you drink alcohol when you were under age?
solution to – I’m afraid they had no solution to our problem.
in answer to – In answer to our request, we were given some help.
for the love of … – “Don’t do it, for the love of God!”
in lieu of (= in place of, instead of) – My boss gave me a day off work in lieu of extra pay.
Improve your speaking with an italki teacher
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
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Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
Sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopéz
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona
On next week’s episode: The Economy and Discussing Trends
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
As always your podcasts are really useful.Thanks for your help.
Always a pleasure 🙂