In this episode: Causative verbs Make, Let, Get, Help and Have
Causative verbs Make, Let, Get, Help and Have
Causative verbs cause something else to happen
MAKE: to force someone to do something. – forzar
Make + someone + verb
Did someone make you wear that shirt?
All British schools make their pupils wear a uniform.
My dad made me apologize to the neighbour.
The policeman made me pay a fine.
Craig says he didn’t want to eat the chocolate; a little voice in his head made him eat it.
My mum always made me eat up all my greens (greens = vegetables)
LET: to allow someone to do something. – dar permiso
let + someone + verb
Reza let me play his violin.
Craig let Reza use his new microphone.
Craig wouldn’t let anyone share his bar of dark chocolate.
My boss won’t let me have a day off.
My parents never let me stay out late when I was a kid.
Craig won’t let you say anything bad about Mickey Mouse!
GET: to convince someone to do something – convencer
get + someone + to + verb
I got my students to do the homework by giving them chocolate.
What’s a good way to get students to read more?
The government are spending more money on TV ads to get people to vote.
People have tried to get Craig to give up chocolate….in vain.
Craig has tried to get Reza to shut up at times…in vain.
The naughty children got another child to steal biscuits for them.
HELP: to help someone do something – ayudar
help + someone + verb / help + someone + to + verb
Reza helps me (to) produce this podcast.
What helps you (to) unwind? (to unwind – relajarse)
Does chocolate help you (to) forget your problems?
Will you help us (to) spread the word by recommending us to your friends?
Do you think this podcast helps our listeners (to) improve their English?
Reza and Craig will help you (to) improve your English and take it to the next level!
HAVE: to give someone the responsibility to do something – dar alguien la responsibilidad
have + someone + verb (see AIRC112 for the causative use of have)
I’ll have my lawyer send you the contract.
I had my secretary book the hotel.
Please have the waiter bring the wine list.
We had the porter carry our bags up to the room.
We’re having our son organise our anniversary celebration for us.
Could you have the doorman hail a taxi for me, please?
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…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
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Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona
On next week’s episode: Dependent prepositions – Verbs followed by a preposition
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Excellent follow-up to these causative verbs…
Thanks a lot!
Hi guys
Thank you so much for keeping working on your podcast so hard ,during the summer
We all appreciate your big effort!
This podcast had been so useful cause you get me the opportunity to learn and improve every day
I wonder if you could help me with some issues that I always have.
Please, could you explain the difference between : fix, manage, figured out,make it ?
I listenned to these verbs in so many situations and it’s a bit confusing
Thank you so much
Hope you could manage or what ever with the hot summer
Hi Mamen. We’re havin¡g a great summer break (well, I am. I’m not so sure about Reza. He’s working really hard teaching this summer, but I think he’s enjoying it).
We’ll speak about fix, manage etc when we next record a podcast. Thank you for the suggestions. Speak soon x