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With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
In this episode we’re going to help you communicate more effectively when you go to the doctor.
We spoke about some health vocabulary in inglespodcast.com/42
To make an appointment – ‘I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr.Smith’
boil – forúnculo, furúnculo – inflamed, red, tender, wound weeping puss (to weep – llorar, supurar)
Words to describe pain
Adjectives: painful, sore, aching, agonizing
Verb phrases: It hurts, It’s killing me, It stings, It aches, It smarts
Aches and pains collocations: acute pain, gripping pain, severe pain, agonizing pain, chronic pain, crippling pain, burning pain, stabbing pain (to stab – apuñalar) sharp pain,
dull pain, shooting pain, stinging pain, throbbing pain, unbearable pain, dull ache, nagging ache/pain, stomachache, backache, headache, bellyache
surgery – cirugía / doctor’s office (UK) – consultorio
GP = general practitioner- médico de cabecera
Questions your doctor might ask
Where does it hurt?
What seems to be the trouble?
What are your symptoms?
Do you mind if I examine you?/ I’m just going to examine you (now).
Does this hurt? (doctor touches you)
Does it hurt if/when I do this? (doctor touches you)
Can/Could you describe the pain, please?
Lie down/on the couch, please.
Can/Could you take off your + (item of clothing), please?
Can/Could you take of your clothes, please? (maybe all or down to your underwear)
Can you strip off (your clothes), please? (maybe all or down to your underwear)
Can/Could you take (nice) (big) deep breaths for me…
…In …..and….out….
Have you had this before?
When did the pain start? – How long have you had this?
Are you taking anything for it?
Are you allergic to any medicine/medication?
rash – sarpullido, erupción
itchy – prurito, picazón, picor
I’m going to (I need to) take some blood.
I’m going to (I need to) run some tests.
You’ll need/have to make a follow-up/further appointment for + day/month
Don’t worry! You won’t feel a thing. (Beware! This is often a lie and the doctor proceeds to do something painful to you.)
You may/might feel a little prick (now)….(You will! The doctor inserts a needle in you)
Health idioms:
I’m feeling a bit off colour – poorly
under the weather
in bad shape
as right as rain
back on my feet
in the best of health
full of beans
as fit as a fiddle
out of sorts
off colour
not (feeling) the greatest/that great – classic British understatement. In fact, you probably feel…bloody awful!
Improve your speaking with an italki teacher
Doctor jokes
Patient- Doctor, doctor. Everyone keeps ignoring me.
Doc- Next!
Patient- Doctor, doctor. Can you advise me about condoms for family planning, please?
Doc- Certainly, sir. There are three sizes: small, medium and liar (mentiroso)!
Patient- Doctor, doctor. As you can see, I have five legs!
Doc- No problem, madam! Just wear these special knickers here – they’ll fit you like a glove.
Patient: Doctor, I think I’m a dog
Doctor: Would you please get off that sofa, sir!
Patient;: Doctor, I have a piece of lettuce coming out of my bum
Doctor: I’m afraid that’s only the tip of the iceberg!
Patient: Doctor, On my bum I’ve got a big bruise that looks like a strawberry
Doctor: I’ll give you some cream to put on it.
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I’ve eaten something that disagrees with me.
Doctor: No you haven’t!
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona
Raul Lopez
On next week’s episode: Air Travel
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Fortunately I didn’t fall ill during this episode 😉
People should practise to describe these symptoms before travelling or moving to another country. And at least they should have proper vocabulary about the chronic illnesses they are suffering..
People who are living/ travelling in Europe should definitely take a look at the europa.eu web-site! There are so much good health related advice from Eu-countries 😉 and general instructions of course.
– And Please, remember take your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you on all trips in Europe –
Great advice, Elisa.