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With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
THANK YOU to everyone who helped our podcast to get nominated for the AUDIENCE APPRECIATION awards at New Media Europe 2016 in London this month. We are now one of 10 finalists!
We need your help to vote on Twitter. If you have a Twitter account please follow the link and click on Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig in the AUDIENCE APPRECIATION category. Please vote only once a day, every day until June 10th.
In this episode: Civil Engineering
Listener Feedback: Audio Feedback – Mamen
Listener Feedback: Alfredo – Should we go to Italy and teach English? Only if there’s homemade Italian food!
I’m Pablo, a civil engineer who has moved to UK last January.
I usually hear (listen to) all ours (your) podcast (your podcasts), and I think that it is a big help in order to improve my listening and vocabulary.
In (At) this moment, I am looking for a job as (an) engineer in Cambridge or around (in/around Cambridge).
If you accept some ideas for podcast, I would like that you talk (I would like you to talk) some day about engineering.
Perhaps, this topic is not too general in terms of vocabulary but is only an idea!! haha!
I think you are doing a very good job with the podcasts, I hope to continue hearing it (listening to them)!
Thank you for your time.
Definition: Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment,
including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings.
crane – grúa (grúa can also be a towtruck)
ditch – zanja, cuneta, acequia (to ditch something/someone – deshacerse de – “My bag was too heavy, so I ditched some clothes.”
to drain/a drain (drainage) – desague
sewer – alcantarillado
overflow – derramarse, rebosar
a bridge – puente (to bridge differences of opinion) – ‘Don’t burn your bridges!’
to/a dam – presa
steel – acero (stainless steel – acero inoxidable)
iron – hierro (to iron = planchar)
concrete – hormigón
to cement /(some) cement (uncountable noun) – cemento – ‘to cement a relationship’
brick – ladrillo, de ladrillo
to tarmac/(some) tarmac (uncountable noun) – asfalto
scaffolding – andamio/s, andamiaje
pavement (UK) sidewalk (US) – acera, pavimento (andén LaAm.)
to pave
blueprint – heliografía, cianográfica, anteproyecto
survey (of a house) – examen, inspección “to carry out/conduct a survey” (to survey – evaluar, valorar, inspeccionar) a surveyor
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…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
If you would like more detailed shownotes, go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast and become a paron of the show.
Our 9 lovely patrons are:
Lara Arlem
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona
On next week’s episode: We don’t know yet – but it will be something good!
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hi guys
Thank you for sharing these great podcats, It would be much more useful if they can come with transcrips.
We agree, Juan. Unfortunately, with our teaching schedule and other work, we have no time to write the complete transcripts (I’ve done this in the past and it takes ages!).
It costs about 100 euros per month to pay someone to do this for our weekly podcast and we have created a Patreon campaign to raise the money. You’re welcome to contribute, here’s the link: https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast?ty=h
Good afternoon Reza and Craig.
My name´s Raymundo I´m from Venezuelan. Nowadays where I live . Venezuelans have a difficult time as you ,maybe, know. However, my doubt is about the next.
I´ve hear before that it is a good way to learn any language reading some book and , at the same time, listening to podcasts, sondtrack on english. I would like to know whether is a good habit or not .
In addition to, I´d like to congratulation on you for you perfect work done. It´s amazing what you have done both.
See you
Hi Raymundo. Thanks for your comment.
Yes, anything you can do in English is good. Read anything and everything (comics, blogs, news, books and graded readers, online magazines, reviews in English on Amazon, film reviews on IMDB etc).
Listen to everything and anything! (podcasts, music in English – and read the lyrics while you listen) TV series, films, news reports, TED talks and documentaries).