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Martin & Reza
We’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
Today we are joined by Martin.
In this episode: The Order of Adjectives Before a Noun
This week’s feedback: Alfredo (audio feedback)
Alfredo asks how he can improve his accent. People say that when he speaks English he has a strong Italian accent. How can he improve this?
Don’t worry about your Italian accent, Alfredo. The most important thing is that people understand you when you speak.
It tickles my fancy = it appeals to me, I like it
The Order of Adjectives Before a Noun
Sometimes we use more than one adjective in front of a noun:
He’s a fat old man. (not Xold fatX)
She’s an attractive, French businesswoman.
Martin’s got an old, yellow bike.
colour blind – daltónico
We usually have one or two adjectives before a noun. Three is unusual:
This is a boring, expensive, thick English text book.
Adjectives usually (but not always) come in this order:
1. Opinion
2. Size
3. Age
4. Shape
5. Colour
6. Origin (nationality)
7. Material
Other Qualities could include, for example, thin (Thickness), light (Weight), warm (Clothes), etc.
A warm leather jacket.
A beautiful warm day.
bulky – voluminoso/a
A heavy, bulky Swiss suitcase
Numbers come first:
One lovely German woman.
six large eggs.
half a dozen free-range eggs.
My second big chance
Use commas when there’s more than one adjective: A wonderful, long, relaxing holiday. (but sometimes commas are not used with short, common adjectives: lovely blue eyes, a tall dark stranger.)
Occasionally, adjectives come AFTER nouns. for example in fixed expressions like ‘president elect’, ‘secretary general’, ‘God Almighty!’
All things/Everything/Anything/Anywhere etc
All things culinary excite me; Anything Greek interests Mike.
Some adjectives CAN’T come before a noun. They come after the verb. (Predicative)
The boy is asleep/afraid/awake/alone/alike/alright. (NOT “the asleep/alone/etc. boy”)
Most begin with letter “a______”
house (modern, attractive)
dog (black, huge)
day (lovely, sunny)
nose (red, large)
face (round, friendly)
phone (expensive, Japanese)
car (new, sports, red)
boots (leather, black, sexy)
table (modern, glass, ugly)
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Find a teacher and improve your speaking with italki
Reza and I want to thank italki for sponsoring Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Describe the following (using no more than 2 adjectives):
your flat
the clothes you’re wearing
one another! Martin/Craig/Reza
the room we’re in
our favourite possession
your last holiday
your first girlfriend/boyfriend
your wife/husband/current partner (if different to above!!)
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. We want you to tell us……Send us a voice message and describe something using our examples and the correct order of adjectives. speakpipe.com/inglespodcast.
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
On next week’s episode: Q & A – Answering the many questions you have sent us by email or speakpipe.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hi “Dinosaurs”
I’ve been listening to your podcasts every week but decided not to disturb by writing all the time.
“How to avoid personal questions” -episode was (still is ) fantastic and useful. Mike was (still is) as perfect as the subject.. past perfect 😉
And this latest episode was (still is) great! Hopefully we can hear Martin again. The show was a huge pleasure to listen to, you got me laugh.. and learn of course 🙂