If you are a new listener, welcome!
With over 40 years of teaching between us, Reza and I will help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
Grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation.
In this episode: Pronunciation | Silent Letters
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We practised the pronunciation of some words that have silent letters in episode 38
Today we’re going to give you a longer list and focus on groups of words that have the same silent letter.
Silent letters (I say the Spanish word, you say the English word before you hear it)
listen – escuchar
soften – ablandarse, suaveizarse
whistle – silbar (chiflar in Mexico)
fasten – atar, abrochar
Christmas – Navidad
castle – castillo
knife – cuchillo
knee – rodilla
knowledge – conocimiento
knit – tejer, hacer punto
knob – pomo, picaporte (a knob of butter)
know – conocer, saber
knot – nudo
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Reza and I want to thank italki for sponsoring Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig
receipt – recibo
pseudonym – seudónimo
psychic – psíquico/a
psychology – psicología
psychiatry – psiquiatría
pneumatic – neumático
climb – subir, ascender, escalar
debt – deuda
subtle – sutil
comb – peinilla, peine, peineta
numb – entumecido/a, adormecido, insensible
dumb – tonto/a, estúpido/a
doubt – dudar, duda
womb – útero
lamb – cordero
tomb – tumba, sepulcro
hour – hora
hourly – una vez por hora
honest – honesto/a
heir / heiress – heredero / heredera
honour – honor
honourable – honorable (dishonourable)
site – lugar, sitio
language – idioma
ride – manejar, montar
note – nota
care – preocuparse
curve – curva
gourmet – de alta cocina
debut – debut
stopped – detenido
kissed – besado
helped – ayudado
travelled – viajó
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. If you have a comment or question, please record a voice message and send it to us. www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
We’ll be happy to speak about your message and answer your questions in future episodes.
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
On next week’s episode: Academic English
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Some of you might be wondering why the English person, Julian, speaking at the start of this episode, seems to use an Eastern European accent when attempting to speak Spanish! I don’t know why either!! The next time Craig or I mispronounce something in Spanish, remember we aren’t that bad 😉 Pronunciation is not easy!
Reza, tú lo haces bastante bien lo de pronunciar español, sin embargo a Craig si, que le cuesta un poco mas, y no acabo de entenderlo porque a veces he oido los años que lleva Craig en España, ¡y son muchos! creo que alguna vez habéis dicho que llevais desde 1998….a veces pienso en ello y me imagino viviendo en Inglaterra 17 años y (creo) que hablaría inglés como un nativo….(bueno, tampoco estoy muy seguro de ello) jajaja…os pido perdón, porque la mayoría de las veces os escribo en español, pero, aunque os lo entiendo todo….no soy capaz de “colocar este rollo” en inglés….
Bueno, espero que Craig no se moleste con mi comentario y si fuera así, le pido disculpas por adelantado…Un saludo afectuoso
Hi Rafa,
I’m not offened by your comments and I agree with you. My Spanish should be better after living so many years in Spain.
We’ll be speaking about your comment on a future podcast. ¡Hasta la próxima!
Hi Reza!
My name is Luz, I’m mexican. I listen your podscast every day, and all day, at job, after english class. In my opinion all the english class are good.
I like all the english class. I’d like to speak quicker in english. I learn a lot of with the vocabulary. Would you talk about jobs or things like that? It’ll be good, improve vocabulary at job.
Hi Luz. We are very pleaed to have listeners in Mexico! Yes, we will speak more about jobs and work in the future. You might like these episodes that we have already done about work: