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In this episode: It’s Christmas time!!
From Gustavo (email)
Hi Craig and Reza, it has been an amazing discovering for me your podcasts. I listen to them when I go and come to work by car – almost everyday- and they have the perfect length for my route.
(A question: can I use the pronoun “they” with the noun “podcasts”? Is it correct?).
On the other hand, (Another thing is, also, By the way) the content of the programs is very interesting and useful, your pronunciation is clear and your sense of humour quite funny.
Congratulations on the program and thank you for your educational work.
A big hug for the both of you.
Feedback from Mr. S. Claus (letter down the chimney)
Mr. Claus says: Ho Ho Ho Ho! Thank you for your podcasts.
My reindeers really like listening to Reza and Craig as they pull the sleigh through the snow here in Lapland. Rudolph would like to ask if you can sing one verse of the song ‘Rudoph the red nose reindeer’. It would make his Christmas very happy and full of good cheer.
Keep up the good work in 2016.
Un abrazo. Your red-nosed friend Santa Claus.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games.”
Christmas vocabulary in Episode 10 and Christmas customs in episode 39
Vocabulary Review:
December 24th – Christmas Eve
December 25th – Christmas Day
Boxing Day = el 26 de diciembre, día festivo en Gran Bretaña
January 1st – New Year’s Day
December 31st – New Year’s Eve
January 6th – The day of the (three) Kings, or “Epiphany”
wrapping paper = papel de envolver/papel de regalo
¡Feliz Navidad! – Happy Christmas! / Merry Christmas! – “We wish you a merry Chrismas and a happy New Year.”
¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo! – “All the best for the coming year.”
¡Felices fiestas! – Season’s greetings! Happy holidays!
¡Salud! – Cheers! (“Slainte” in Ireland)
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More vocabulary:
Father Christmas (Santa Claus)
Christmas card (list) – We spoke about sending Christmas cards in episode 79
Christmas collocations: Christmas tree, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, Christmas presents, Christmas carols, Christmas stocking, Christmas lights, Christmas ornaments, Christmas crackers
Christmas candle (vela de navidad). Candle = vela (la vela de un barco se llama “sail”)
tinsel (oropel, espumillón)
mistletoe – muérdago
holly – acebo
manger – pesebre, comedero
sleigh – trineo
shepherd (a keeper of sheep) – pastor, pastora
A Christmas Poem
Christmas comes only once a year,
And before you know it it’s already here.
Family fights and Christmas Eve stress,
Leaves me exhausted and praying for rest.
Thinking what presents to buy is quite hard,
But worse is the damage to my credit card.
I’m not complaining, I like wrapping presents,
But let’s forget turkey and start stuffing pheasants.
Turkey is dry and not very nice,
Why not paella at a much better price?
Tradition is fine, if it give satisfaction,
But the best thing about Christmas is human interaction.
Chistmas Riddles – Adivinanzas de Navidad
• Whats the best thing to put into a Christmas cake ?
– Your teeth
• What comes at the end of Christmas Day?
– The letter “Y”!
• What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?
– A snowball!
• How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed?
– You wake up wet!
• How do snowmen greet each other?
– Ice to meet you!
What do you call a deer with one eye?
No idea (no eye deer)
What do you call a dead deer with no eyes?
Still no idea (still no eye deer)
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
Idina Menzel Ft. & Michael Buble – Baby It’s Cold Outside
8 Days of Christmas – Destiny’s Child
The Pogues – Fairytale of New York
Driving Home For Christmas – Chris Rea
Christmas Day – Dido
All I want for Christmas is You – Maria Carey
Happy Christmas (War is Over)
Do They Know It’s Christmas – Band Aid
Christmas is All Around – Billy Mack
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – Frank Sinatra
Thank God It’s Christmas – Queen
It’s Christmas Time Again – Backstreet Boys
Jingle Bells (to be sung when drunk!)
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Nat King Cole- The Christmas Song
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Tell us about your Christmas and practise your speaking. What’s your favourite Christmas song? Does it hold any special memories for you?
Go to https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast and record your voice (only 90 seconds)
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Why not subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll give you a monthly summary of all the podcasts we produce in 2016.
On next week’s episode: Speaking about the future and future plans
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hello Craig and Reza
No Christmas stockings, no Christmas crackers, no Mistletoe … but yes, Santa Claus lives here in the Santa Park with Mrs Claus and Elves!
I recommend you to visit the website: santapark.com
You’ll find interesting things about Santa’s life and for example this:
” Santa’s Sleigh & Sledge
The sledge pulled by a reindeer is Santa’s main form of transportation. It has been made in the same way the ancient Laplanders used to make their sledges. The Laplanders got the idea for the sledge by following the activities of the beaver that when building its winter nest (called a lodge). The beaver holds onto large bunches of aspen twigs used to build the lodge and lies on its back while another beaver pulls it along.
The sledge is no good for carrying all the gifts though. This is when Santa has to use his sleigh. The sleigh is made with the same old methods as the sledge, but it is a lot larger and a number of reindeer are needed to pull it. The number of reindeer needed to pull the sleigh depends how heavy the load is “.
Thanks again, and by the way… you guys sang surprisingly well 🙂
Happy Christmas to YOU!
I’m not sure if I agree with you about the singing Elisa, but thanks anyway 🙂