If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I’m Craig. This is Reza.
With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
In this episode: Confusing verbs (say-tell, speak-talk, listen-hear)
Listener Feedback:
Raul (from Valencia)
When do you use “realize”, “notice” ” find out” I think all of them mean the same. Realize and notice es darse cuenta, find out puede ser averiguar o darse cuenta. It’s a mess!
“Realize” means to know and understand something in your mind. It’s a cognitive event. “I realized she didn’t love me anymore.”
“Notice” means to see, hear or feel something. It’s more of a physical event. “Reza, I notice you’re wearing a new shirt today.” / “I notice you’ve had your hair cut.” / I notic you’ve added more salt than normal to the soup.”
Find out = to obtain information. “I need to find out what time the train leaves for Madrid tomorrow.” / “I was the last one to find out that my girlfriend was cheating on me.”
Joaquin Ruiz Rufo (email)
I´m looking for information about the use of these sentences, Could you help me?
Look like, like and Look – What’s the difference?
TO LIKE: “I like paella, I like the weather and the people in Valencia.”
TO LOOK: “That new T-shirt looks great.”
TO LOOK LIKE = to be similar to: “That shirt looks like a shirt I used to have.” / “He looks like his brother.” (He and his brother have a similar appearance.)
“Reza doesn’t like getting up early.” (the ACTIVITY of getting up)
“Craig likes to get up early because he can have a slow breakfast, get ready slowly, have a shower.” (he likes the RESULT)
TO BE LIKE: “I’ve never been to Toledo. What’s it like?” / “I don’t know John’s brother. What’s he like?” (¿Cómo es?)
“How’s John’s brother?” (¿Cómo está? – Asking about health)
– He was sick, but he’s better now.”
Jorge Jimenez – Confusing verbs:
I have a question, What is the difference between to say and to tell (decir)?
You say something and you tell a person
“He said hello.” / “He said he wanted to help me.” / “He said something in Spanish.”
“He told my brother to help him.” / “He told the teacher that he had done his homework.”
TELL the truth
TELL a lie
TELL a joke
TELL a story
“Tell me to shut up.”
“Tell John.” – “Say to John.”
By avoiding something, you take an action to “go around” the problem. Preventing something means actively interfering to stop something happening.
“I avoided going to the party by saying I was sick.”
“I prevented Reza from coming into the room by closing the door.”
listen to/hear
“To hear a noise” / “Hear people speaking.”
Remind + direct object: “Remind ME to buy milk.”
You remind SOMEONE TO DO something – “Remind me to write the shownotes to this episode.”
I’ve got to leave at 5 p.m. don’t forget to remind me. – Tengo que irme a las 5 de la tarde; no te olvides de recordármelo. (make me remember)
I remember the day you were born. – Me acuerdo del día en que naciste. / Recuerdo el día en que naciste.
Remember is when you think of a memory (a past experience): I remember the first time I met you.
Remind is when a person or thing makes you think about something. Our show notes remind us what we need to talk about.
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When you look at something you make an effort – “Look at that man over there!”
When you see something you do not make an effort – “I can’t see you.” / “Did you see John yesterday?”
When you watch something (the TV, a film, a football match) you make an effort to engage in it. – “I’m watching the film” (Watch = to look with attention)
Argue – discutir (to have a row with someone)
Discuss – hablar (to have a discussion with someone)
Suit – to look good “That shirt really suits you.”
Fit – to be the correct size “This shirt doesn’t fit me anymore. It’s too small.”
meet/know (conocer)
“Reza and Craig MET each other in 1998. They have KNOWN each other for many years.”
Meet (quedar)
“Shall we meet tomorrow?”
– “Yes, let’s meet for a beer.”
Reza and Craig spoke about ‘do’ and ‘make’ collocations in Episode 1 and Episode 2
Rise does not take an object. It’s an intransitive verb – “The sun rises.”
Raise does take an object so it’s a transitive verb – “Raise your hand.” / “Ask your boss to raise your salary.” / “Ask your boss for a RAISE.” (noun)
‘Rise’ can also be a noun – “The rise of the Roman empire.”
Succeed IN + gerund – tener exito “John is a lucky guy. He succeeds in everything in life.”
Manage + infinitive – conseguir, lograr (You manage something WITH DIFFICULTY) “Although it was very difficult, I managed to pass my First Certificate exam.”
win/earn (ganar)
WIN: a competition, a game, the lottery money at a casino, a prize, an award
EARN: a salary, money at work, earn respect
Bring it HERE
Take it THERE
LEND TO: “The bank lends money to you.”
BORROW FROM: “You borrow money from the bank.”
“Can I borrow your pen?” – ¿Puedo pedirle prestada tu boli?
“Can you lend me your pen?” – ¿Puedes prestarme tu boli?
“Let me help you.”
“Allow me to help you.”
“This contract does not permit you to charge a lot of money.”
“What are you wearing?” / Reza’s wearing smart clothes.”
“When you came in you were carring a briefcase.”
wear/dress – to get dressed/put on
“I get up and put on my clothes. After I put on my clothes I’m wearing them.”
“I get dressed in the morning.”
“Put on your glasses.”
“Reza often misses the bus.”
“Craig sometimes misses English pubs.”
“Reza’s losing his mind.”
“Craig lost 10 euros.”
Advise – aconsejar – “We advise you to listen to this podcast.”
warn – avisar – “Reza warned Craig not to drink that eighth whisky.” / “He warned me against drinking it.”
“I resigned from my company.” (I handed in my notice)
“I was dismissed from my company.” (I was sacked/I was fired)
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. We want you to send us a voice message and practise some of the confusing verbs in this episode. Send your voice messages via inglespodcast.com – speakpipe
Send us an email, or record your voice and send us a sound file, with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hello Reza and Craig, I would like to convey you that this is, in my humble opinion, one of the best podcast ever at your site. I really appreciate your help and having said that, I’m not underestimating the rest of your podcasts at all, they are all awesome too.
I wish you staying with us your listener much longer.
Thank you.
Thanks Antonio. We really appreciate your feedback. It keeps us going! Thanks for listening 🙂
I real y lije tour clases Youtube are ver y godo te achine english o can figure out you know a lot of gramar and prountation english
I realy like the way You teach English I need an App for my divise iPod to listen you
Thank you for listening Ignacio. We do have an app in the Apple Store. It’s free and it’s called ‘inglespodcast’.