If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I’m Craig. This is Reza.
With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
In this episode: Cards – What to write in greeting cards – Xmas, birthday, get well soon, retirement, baby, anniversary, retirement, christening etc
Listener Feedback:
Hi Craig, I’m Javier Alberola from Valencia again.
I never imagined I would be capable of doing a review about a podcast such as ‘Aprender Inglés.com’.
I have only been studying English for a year, but I know positively (I’m pretty sure) that in my FCE exam may appear this kind of written exercise. (this kind of written exercise may appear in the FCE exam)
‘Aprender Inglés con Craig y Reza’ has become my favourite podcast for various reasons:
firstly, the majority of the contents are free. (the majority? What do we charge for?)
Secondly, the experience of the protagonists is their most important attribute.
In my opinion, working for the British Council is the best guarantee that this method of education is the appropiate one.
On the other side (On the other hand), I think the success of the podcast is based on the way they transmit information to the audience.
Dialogues are clear, concise and well structured. Tone of voice is another strong point: correct pronunciation is very useful for me and pauses in their speech contribute to a
better comprehension (understanding).
In conclusion, ‘Aprender Inglés con Craig y Reza’ is the best way of learning English: cheap, top quality and easy to use (especially on a smartphone).
While I do recommend this programme, I warn you that you shouldn’t leave a piece of chocolate near Craig… You will never see it again!
Kind regards,
Greeting Cards
Why do the British, and the Americians, love to send them?
birthday cards
Christmas Cards
anniversary cards
new job cards
promotion cards
retirement cards
Easter Cards
new baby cards
get well soon cards
death cards (to pass away = to die)
When people die, personal loss – You could write:
I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolences.
Our hearfelt condolences.
With deepest sympathy.
thinking of you at this sad time.
Our prayers/thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
I was sorry/saddened to hear that _________ passed away.
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Reza and I want to thank italki for sponsoring Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig
birthday cards – You could write:
happy birthday
Congratulations ON your birthday
Many happy returns
Many, many more wonderful birthdays in the future
Happy 25th (birthday) Live life well!
Roses are red, violets are blue, This poem is old and so are you!
Violets are blue, roses are read, congratulations on not being dead. Happy birthday!
corny = cursi
Christmas Cards – You could write:
Merry Christmas.
Seasons greetings.
Have a great holiday.
Have a wonderful festive season.
Have a great/happy/wonderful New Year!
I wish you a very merry Christmas, and all the best for the coming New Year.
Everything you wish for yourself and your family in the New Year.
Christmas comes but once a year, and when it does it brings good cheer (more beer!)
Anniversary cards – You could write:
Happy anniversary
30 years and still going strong! May there be many more.
Many more happy years together.
Valentine Day cards – You could write:
I love you. You are my dreamboat.
Roses are red, violets are blue, you don’t know me, but I love you.
Violets are blue, roses are red, I’d love to get you into bed!
killjoy = aguafiestas
New job cards – You could write:
Good luck in your new job.
Congratulations ON your new position/post/job.
“With great power comes great responsibility” – Spiderman
Promotion cards – You could write:
Congratulations on your retirement
Retirement cards – You could write:
All the best for your retirement.
Easter Cards – You could write:
Happy Easter!
New baby cards – You could write:
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy/girl.
Get well soon cards – You could write:
Get well soon!
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Get over your illness soon.
Christening (bautismo)
Congratulations on the christening of your baby boy/girl.
A Wedding Invitation:
We would be delighted to enjoy your company at our wedding on ________
RSVP = répondez, s’il vous plaît (please reply)
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. We want you to tell us what you think about this greeting card thing. Is it a waste of money? Is it the same to send a virtual greeting card or a Facebook message?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. inglespodcast.com – speakpipe
Send us an email, or record your voice and send us a sound file, with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
On next week’s episode: Confusing verbs (say/tell, hear/listen, watch/see)
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
.. And here are a few more: Name day card, Graduation card, Engagement card and so on …
But the best card is the card without any reason … then you know that the sender has remembered you ….. then it’s not waste of money
That’s true. I should sent more cards without having a reason.
A very interesting episode…but here in Spain we have lost the costum of sending letters or cards…I dont remenber if I ever sended or received one of them. I only find in the letter box letters from the bank with a receipt inside. But nowadays with the internet is different people congratulates much more with applications as WHAT’S APP etc.
That’s true, Rafel. I miss getting letters and cards in the post, but the world has changed. If I had to choose between using Skype or getting a letter or a card, I’d rather have Skype!
It’s true, we use technology more and more these days, but it’s nice to send and recieve cards. I think it has more value than a Facebook message or a Whatsapp. It shows that we are really thinking about people.