Vocabulary-Professions – AIRC66

Vocabulary-Professions - AIRC66

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I’m Craig. This is Reza, and we are going to help you improve your English and take it to the next level.

With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

This lesson: professions

We spoke about work vocabulary in Episodes 9, Episode 32 and Episode 43

Listener Feedback: Davo9042 on iTunes Mexico: Excellent option to learn English. Simplemente el mejor método para aprender que he encontrado, incluyendo clases pagadas.

Abogado/a – Lawyer (be careful of the pronunciation. Don’t confuse it with liar.) Aprender ingles con reza y craig_episode66

Granjero/a (agricultor/a) – Farmer

Arqueólogo/a – Archaeologist

Arquitecto/a – Architect

Basurero/a – Dustman (U.K.) / Garbage collector (U.S.A.)., Also ‘refuse collector’ and ‘binman’.

Biólogo – Biologist

Cajera/0 – Cashier

Camionero/a – Lorry driver (U.K.) / Truck driver (U.S.A.)

Carnicero/a – Butcher

Cirujano/a – Surgeon

Electricista – Electrician

Enfermero/a – Nurse

Farmacéutico/a – Pharmacist / chemist

Físico/a – Physicist

Fontanero/a – Plumber

Ingeniero/a – Engineer

Monje – Monk

Monja – Nun

Niñera – Nanny / Nursemaid

Panadero/a – Baker

Peluquero/a – Hairdresser

Periodista – Journalist

Psicólogo/a – Psychologist

Psiquiatra / Siquiatra – Psychiatrist

Sacerdote / Sacerdotisa – priest

Veterinario/a – Veterinary surgeon; vet (U.K.) ; Veterinarian (USA)

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traductor/a – translator

mensajero/a – courier

albañil – bricklayer, builder

banquero/a – banker

político/a – politician

cocinero/a – cook, chef

masajista – masseur (male), masseuse (female), massage therapist

esteticista – beautician, beauty specialist

torero/a, matador/a – bullfighter

musico/a – musician

peón – labourer

obrero/a – worker

obrero/a de fábrica – factory worker

peón agrícola, trabajador/a del campo – farm worker, farmhand

taxista – taxi driver

Think of 2 jobs that……..

…can be done from home: podcaster, writer, administrative work, translators

…do not exist anymore: typist, street gas-lighter, town crier

…young children typically want to do: police officer, firefighter, model, footballer

…are overpaid: footballers, models, bankers

…can be done by robots: production line (car manufacture), some farm work

…require absolutely no intelligence: model, fruitpicker

…will be most needed in the future: IT specialists, psychologists

…you would really hate to do: binman/dustman, prison warden, bathroom attendent
Do you think that having ‘a job for life’ is a thing of the past?

Is the most important thing about a job the salary?

If you won the lottery, would you stop working?

Is it possible to have a good family life and a successful career, or do you have to choose?
What’s your opinion? Are you looking for a job at the moment? What’s your dream job? Practise your speaking and send us a comment, or a question, at inglespodcast.com. We’d love to hear from you.

On next week’s episode: Common mistakes made by Spanish speakers

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’

4 comments on “Vocabulary-Professions – AIRC66

  1. Elisa says:

    Hmm.. What is a good family life.. What is a good life all in all? Is the career the main thing in life.

    Wouldn’t it be lovely to live without all kind of choices and standards. Nowadays all professions are way too demanding, you should speak many languages, you should be genius with computers and all kinds of technical equipment, you should be this and that…
    And unfortunately I guess that the family life is as demanding nowadays.. if not more demanding!

    This wasn’t any kind of response for the questions.. I was just thinking 🙂
    Anyways Thanks again

    1. Craig says:

      The main thing in life is to be happy, isn’t it Elisa? The problem is many people think that money and possessions are ways to get there.

      I sympathize with young people leaving university these days, or trying to decide what to study. There is no ‘job for life’ anymore, and it’s a very competitive job market.

  2. Rafael says:

    Is the most important thing about a job the salary? Depende de tu situación en la vida, si estás bién economicamente, NO es lo mas importante, si necesitas el dinero para vivir y no tienes nada mejor, es mas importante el dinero, por ejemplo un minero, no creo que le guste su trabajo, pero necesita ese dinero para vivir.

    If you won the lottery, would you stop working? pues, también depende del tipo de trabajo que tengas, y de tu situación economica , si por ejemplo si eres un abogado de éxito (y un trepa), lo mas seguro es que sigas yendo a tu bufete.

    Very interesting de next episode, and maybe we will laught all!!

    and very interesting the comment of Reza we need speak french for speaking English, time ago french was the most cultural language in the world, and to everybody,it was very important to know it (moi même je peux le parler) because when a was at school only they tought french, but nowadays the things are changed and it’s English the language who gives more words to other laguages, sometimes a think as Reza thinks, we must to know English for apeak Spanish!!

  3. Ana says:

    I’m very glad for teaching English with you thank !!

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