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In this episode: Uses of GET
Vocabulary: Uses of GET
(Tweet from Wiliam) “Can you explain (me) how to use the verb get?”
Phrasal verbs with GET
to get your head around = to understand
to get by – manage (financially) English teachers don’t earn very much money, but we get by. (arreglarse)
to get on/off a train/boat/plane/bike (subir/bajar) – get in/out of a car/taxi (salir)
get out of doing something – get out of doing the washing up (to avoid)
to get off with something (escapar, zafar, evitar una tarea, compromiso) – “The criminal commited a crime but no one caught him. He got off with it.” – get away with
to get on with – (seguir con) “Get on with your homework!”
to get on with – (llevarse bien) “Do you get on well with your brothers and sisters?”
to get away with – escape punishment for a crime or bad action (salirse con la suya, zafarse de la cárcel) “I can’t believe you got away with cheating on that test!”
to get over – to recover (from an illness, a surprise) Have you got over your cold yet? (recuperarse)
to get up – levantarse What time do you get up in the summer? Do you go to bed and get up later because of the heat?
to get through (to someone) – to communicate “It’s difficult to get through to my wife. We always argue.”
More phrasal verbs with Marie Episode 54
“Craig has just got his hair cut.”
“Reza got/had his temperature taken by the doctor.”
With GET we can say that we cause something to happen or to be done. It is a less formal way of saying ‘have something done’:
“I’m getting my car serviced tomorrow.”
“Did you notice that I got my hair cut?”
We also use get to mean that we cause something to happen:
Sorry to keep you waiting, Sir. We’re just getting the room cleaned for you.
They got me to make a presentation at work, but I hate speaking in front of people. (They persuaded me to do it)
Can you help me get this photocopier working?
I want to get this podcast edited today.
How are you getting to Belfast?
What time did you get here?
If you leave here at 3pm, what time will you get to your flat? (get home)
Reza gets home an hour after he leaves here.
How old were you when you got your driving licence? (obtain)
How many emails do you get per day or per week? Would you rather get a letter or an email?
I need to get a new pair of shoes in the sales. Are you getting anything?
When are you getting your flat done up? (to do up = reformar, renovar, redecorar) – to decorate
una reforma = alterations, changes, remodeling, refurbishment
to get your act together = to do what you are supposed to do, to organise yourself
to get engaged, get married, get separated, get divorced, get over it!
catapult – tirachinas, honda, resortera, gomera, tirador
to get into trouble, to get arrested, to get caught
to get in dept
Get real! (get a grip) – ¡abre los ojos! Be honest, don’t lie.
to get drunk
to get lucky
Get a life!
It’s getting hotter every day here in Valencia.
I am getting old. Are there any advantages in getting old?
Do you ever get tired of teaching?
Thanks to Manuel, Mamen, Sara and Corey who are patrons of this show. Go to: Patreon.com/inglespodcast
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On next week’s episode: False Friends
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’ and by Kevin MacLeod the track was ‘Your Call’ available at incompetech.com
Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop…
I flipped my ears again in the direction of Spanish and discovered the episode wasn’t a flop 😉
The word GET is amazing, a huge topic, as is the whole vocabulary of English language. I just can’t get my head around them.
And the phrase ‘I’m getting old’. When does it (getting) start and when does it stop? Are there any advantages in getting old? Definitely not 😉
There are only some things in this life that are important and a whole lot of things that aren’t.
And what it comes to getting married… What’s your opinion for marriages where the people see each other first time and get married. The TV-format ‘married at first sight’ all over the world.
Could you marry someone you’ve ever even met? Quite challenging, I suppose 😉
All the best
Some very intesting and thought-provoking questions. I’m sure Reza will have some thoughts next time we record a podcast.
Are there any advantages in getting old? That’s something I think about a lot. Age gives me a perspective and an attitude to life that I didn’t have when I was younger. I appreciate small pleasures more, I live a lot slower and I stop to ‘smell the roses’.