If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I’m Craig. This is Reza, and we are going to help you grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation.
With over 40 years of teaching between us, we’ll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.
In this episode: Cinema vocabulary
Listener Feedback: (email from Javier from Scotland) Hello Craig and Reza,
This is Javi I don’t know if you remember me, I emailed you about 1 month ago. I listen to your postcast every morning while I’m working as (a) housekeeper in a hostel in Scotland.
Personally, I don’t find them so difficult to understand but I still find (it) quite difficult to understand native English speakers when they have a normal conversation. Most of the time I get lost.
It’s true that my English’s gotten much better since I came here, but I know is not enough.
I know that you’ve been teaching for years so if you didn’t mind, I would be greatful if you could give some advice, which could help me to improve my English faster.
I hope you’re enjoying the weather in valencia,
Best regards from Fort William.
Thank you so much, Javier Trimiño
I’m not enjoying the weather in Valencia, Javi, and I wish I was in Scotland! I hate the heat and humidity.
Time and practice! – go to pubs, start conversations, smile and be friendly. Speak to anyone who will listen.
You’re listening to podcasts in English, which is great! – Make friends, socialise as much as possible. Go out with people.
Speak to people in the hostel. Ask lots of questions – Ask where the baked beans are!
Click here to go to Elemental English
Vocabulary: Cinema vocabulary
The music of a film – soundtrack
The people who watch a film – audience (sport – spectators)
When actors and actresses practise for a film or a play – rehearsal / to rehearse
The person who makes the film and tells the actors what to do – director (pronunciation)
The person who pays the money to make the film – producer
The dialogue of a film – script
Someone who does the dangerous things in a film – stuntperson
All of the actors and actresses in a film – the cast
The building where films are made – studio
The places where the film is shot outside the studio – on location
The continuation of a story in a book or a film – sequel (the book or film that precedes – goes before – the story is the prequel)
The part that an actor or actress plays in a film or a play – role
Images which are made by computer – special effects
When somebody writes an opinion of a film, play or book – review (the person is a critic)
The way an actor or an actress acts – performance
A successful film which earns a lot of money – a box office success, blockbuster (Jurassic World – grossed $500 million worldwide in its opening weekend – estreno = premiere, opening release, first release)
More vocabulary:
dubbed = doblado
subtitles = subtítulos
plot = argumento
the leading man/lady = the stars
the supporting actors/cast – “Who’s in it? / Who’s in the film?
good guys and bad guys = the goodies and the badies
a cameo role = aparición breve
femme fatale
to take place – The action takes place….
to be set (in)…
audition = audición, prueba
cinematography = dirección de fotografía, cinematografía
genre – género
silent film = película muda
a talkie = película sonora
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On next week’s episode: Uses of GET
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
I really wonder how on earth you’re still breathing and speaking out there! The heat and humidity must be extremely tiring. But fortunately you were laughing a lot and all in all you made yourselves perfectly clear 😉 so you’re surviving!
So today you were as Stan and Oliver 🙂 Interesting topic and good vocabulary to learn!
Thanks again. -e-
I’ve just listened, this page that Craig recommended to Javi from Scotland, ¡madre mia! what accent! I could’nt speak that way, in the whole of my life studying and practicing.
Saludos y gracias
I´ve passed a good afternoon listening to this podcast about vocabulary of the cinema. I completely agree with your favourite films. For me “Blade Runner” is one of the best films in the world. I´ve watched it in different languages, and it´s true that is very important to listen to in the original version because the sensibility or emotional scenes vary from one Language to another. And the original one transmits better what the director tries to communicate.
Enjoy your summer and thanks a lot