[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/mansioningles/AIRC_27_final_cut.mp3″]
Clean you glasses when you say the /h/ sound in English. No se pronuncia desde la garganta.
Lucrecia (Spanish Living in London) Hi there,
I am spanish. I’ve been living in London since two years ago and I still find quite difficult to understand people talking.
Thanks a lot for your teaching, very useful.
Corrected text:
Hi there,
I am spanish. I’ve been living in London for two years (since 2012) and I still find it quite difficult to understand people talking.
Thanks a lot for your teaching, it’s very useful.
Time expressions with the presnt perfect: Present Perfect Fig Rolls – with special guest Bea – AIRC18
Tatiana from Argentina: You do a very good job!! Its encouraging that people like you do this (for free) only because you want to teach us a new language.
Im from Argentina and I often hear this audio. congratulations!! never stop doing this
Corrected text:
You do a very good job! It’s encouraging that people like you do this (for free) only because you want to teach us a new language.
I’m from Argentina and I often listen to this podcast. Congratulations! Never stop doing this.
Gramática: Should and had better for advice
“had better’ is a fixed expression, The ‘had’ never changes its form.
The doctor said “You should lose weight.” (deberías perder peso)
“Reza, you had better lose weight or you will have a heart attack.”
‘had better’ is stronger advice than ‘should’.
Had better can imply a threat (a threat = una amenaza).
“You’d better pay us the money or we’ll burn down your shop.” (said by the mafia)
“I should have listened to my wife.” (should + have + past particple)
should have = should’ve
You had better = You’d better
Craig should get up earlier
He should watch less TV. He shouldn’t watch so much TV.
Students should listen to podcasts and listen to the listening on mansioningles.com
Should students watch films with Spanish subtitles?
Craig thinks that they shouldn’t. They should watch films with English subtitles.
Reza thinks that students should watch films in English first, then in Spanish, and then in English again.
Reza should tidy his house a lot more. He shouldn’t spend so much time watching TV.
Reza recommends that students spend about half an hour a day watching the news or something in English. Here are some suggestions:
Vocabulary Corner: Music
Reza studied music in Devon where he lived for three years.
He studied the violin and wanted to play professionally, but he had to give it up and became an English teacher instead..
bass player – bajista
lead singer (the frontman/woman of a band) – vocalista
drummer – el baterista
guitarist – guitarrista
music track = pista (de musica)
keyboard player = tecladista / teclista
conductor = director (de orquesta)
(bus) conductor (de autobus, tranvía) etc = cobrador/revisor
audience = audiencia
loud = de volumen alto, fuerte, ruidoso (soft music = de volumen bajo)
stage = escenario
backing singers = coros, cantantes de apoyo
Idioms (Idioms with no sense – illogical idioms)
CRAIG: “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” (“no se puede tener todo”) – to have or to ask for too much.
If you have the cake, of course you’re going to eat it!
“When pigs fly” / “pigs might fly” – about something that will never happen (I’d love to go out on a date with Keira Knightley – Yeah right, and pigs might fly!)
Craig will only go out with Keira Knightly when hell freezes over.
“It’s cheap at half the price.” = Yes that is cheap!
“Wipe that smile off your face.” = quita la sonrisa de la cara.
“You’ll be laughing on the other side of your face!” = Stop laughing now or something terrible is going to happen to you.
“I’ll give you a good hiding (spanking – US)”! = to beat up (golpear)
“Never in a month of Sundays.” = No es probable que pasa. When something us unlikely to happen. – “Once in a blue moon.” = Casi nunca.
“You mark my words.” (I will be right Mark = write:- write my words)
There will be another episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig. Mark my words!
Send us an email, or a sound file (mensaje de voz en mp3) with a comment or question to craig@smeewero.elementor.cloud or belfastreza@gmail.com.
Puedes darnos estrellas y una reseña en iTunes.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called See You Later – licensed by creative commons under a by-nc license at ccmixter.org.
Hi! everyday I find a new podcast is to me a reason of joy, I have heard all of them a few times.
You must to be both, two very good teachers of English, you make it easy and fun.
I like specially those idioms or proverbs and I realise that each one of them has an equivalent in spanish.
For instance ” You can’t have your cake and eat it too”
“teta y sopa no caben en la boca” or “no se puede estar en misa y repicando” (you can’t be in mass and ringing the bells)
And this other… “Never in a month of sundays” ” cuando las ranas crien pelo” (when frogs grow up some hair)
“conductor” is “revisor” ¿what about the word ” ticket collector”
thank you for all
Hi Rafael,
Thank you for your comment and your support. I think ‘ticket collector” is ‘inspector’.