[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/mansioningles/AIRC_020_final_cut.mp3″]
There’s no Avecrem in Reza’s chicken soup! How can you start a conversation using question tags? Cooking verbs and more…
Julio Serrano (Puerto Vallarta, México): Dear Editors. I am glad to find so much interesting information and podcasts from La Mansión del Inglés. Since I got your web site I asked for the monthly editions that you kindly make.
They all are very important but most important is the thing that you are teaching English worldwide. I am from Puerto Vallarta, México
Carme: Felicidades por vuestro trabajo! Me ayuda mucho a aprender esta lengua.
Escucho vuestros podcast con atención y querría preguntar si sería posible que adjuntarais la transcripción escrita de los podcast, creo que me ayudaría mucho más (software para hacer la trascripción-no va bien)
Gramática: Question tags
You were born in Belfast, weren’t you? (repeat the auxiliary verb. If the auxiliary verb is negative, the question tag is positive, and if the auxiliary verb is positive, the question tag is negative.
You don’t speak Italian, do you?
You haven’t been to Disneyland, have you? – No, I haven’t.
You weren’t born in Dublin, were you? – No, I wasn’t.
Reza, you like fish, don’t you?
You don’t like raw eggs (los huevos crudos), do you?
Nice day today, isn’t it?
Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we?
Use questions tags for: expressing surprise, confirming information, starting conversations and making suggestions.
[app_audio src=”Vocabulary Corner: Cooking verbs”]
Reza has recently cooked some chicken soup, and he’s very proud of it!
Cooking Verbs
to boil = hervir
to simmer = cocer a fuego lento, estofar
stock – caldo
free-range chicken – pollo de campo/granja
to steam = cocinar al vapor
to cut = cortar
to chop = trocear, picar
lamb chops = chuletas de cordero
to slice = cortar en lonchas, rebanadas
to dice = cortar en daditos
to heat = calentar – ‘heat’ is also a noun: “The soup is ready, take it off the heat.”
to heat up (phrasal verb) and to ‘re-heat’ = to heat again.
Estudiar más sobre la comida aquí.
¿Trabajas en un bar, hotel o restaurante? Nuestro curso de audio ‘Hostelería’ será muy útil.
Phrasal verbs:
try on = probarse
write down / jot down / note down = anotar
a “jotter” is a notebook (bloc de notas)
take back = devolver
give up = dejar – Craig will never give up chocolate!
cut down = talar to cut down a tree or a bush (arbusto) / to cut down ON something (reducir)
wash up = fregar – to wash up the dishes or DO the washing up.
take up = empezar, dedicarse
put off (postpone) = posponer
Estudiar más phrasal verbs aquí.
Send us an email, or a sound file (mensaje de voz en mp3) with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Puedes darnos estrellas y una reseña en iTunes.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called See You Later – licensed by creative commons under a by-nc license at ccmixter.org.
FULL TRANSCRIPTION (kindly contributed by Patricia Alonso) AIRC20 PDF TRANSCRIPTION
I really passed a good moment listening to your podcast speaking about verbs, phrasal verbs,…it´s a good way to learn English. Thanks for your speaking.
Thank you Marian. Reza and I are really pleased that you like our podcast. Please tell us if there is anything particular you would like us to talk about in the future.
Oh! You are very polite. At the moment I have plenty to do listening your podcasts to improve my listening. But I take your suggest into account in the foreseeable future.
muchas gracias por estos podcasts, estaba buscando algo parecido, para recordar un poco mi inglés que lo tenía muy olvidado.
He de esforzarme un poco más porque no estoy habituado al acento americano (bueno, no estoy seguro del origen del acento)….pero merece la pena el esfuerzo
Thank you for your message Rafael. We both have British accents, not American. I am from London and my friend, Reza, is from Belfast, Northern Ireland. We are both really happy that you like our podcast.
Actually , Reza and Greg, I adore your podcasts. I find it clear and concise, U always take advantages of they. Thanksssss!!!
Thank you, Ana! We record the podcasts for you and everyone out there who wants to improve their English, so we really appreciate the positive feedback. 🙂