You’ll learn different ways of expressing anger and things that ‘get up your nose’.
Voice message from Dominique from France
Which episodes have been downloaded the most?
How to flirt and start a conversation in English – AIRC338
A Brief History of Phrasal Verbs – AIRC331
20 Phrasal Verbs that English Students Should Know – AIRC98
Prevent and Avoid – AIRC327
Suppose, assume and guess – AIRC328
Present perfect, past simple, gerunds, infinitives – AIRC319
Spanish Food from a British Perspective – AIRC299
The most downloaded: 30 Grammar Mistakes that Spanish Speakers Make – AIRC242
Causing anger
to annoy/irritate/bother/aggravate/exasperate/upset/anger
to get up someone’s nose (e.g. it gets up my nose/Mary gets up Peter’s nose/her comments get up my nose)
to test someone’s nerves (e.g. their rudeness is really testing my nerves)
to rub someone up the wrong way
to piss/brown someone off
Feeling/Expressing anger
to/feel be annoyed/irritated/bothered/aggravated/exasperated/upset/angry
to be/feel grumpy
to feel/be put out
to be in a strop / stroppy – to get out of bed on the wrong side /to be like a bear with a sore head
to get hot under the collar
to run out of patience
to be/feel offended
to be/feel uptight
to be/feel angry
to be furious/livid
to go berserk / to go ballistic / to go mad
to have a heated argument
to be cross with someone
to be pissed/browned off (US – to be pissed)
to fly into a rage/to fly off the handle – a blind rage
to hit the roof
to blow your top
to lose your temper/to lose it
to throw/have a tantrum
When was the last time you (completely) lost your temper? What about?
When was the last time a little thing slightly irritated you?
What (really) annoys you about how people are behaving during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Is getting angry ever useful?
Is it easy for you to control and hide your anger?
Do you have any pet hates that bother you?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Expressions, collocations and idioms with time.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash