We’re looking at five words today that you might get confused; goal, aim, target, objective and purpose and we’ll help you with some advice and equipment if you want to start your own podcast. Welcome to Aprender inglés con Reza y Craig.
Audio message from Valeria from Bolivia who is creating her own podcast about medicine.
pronunciation of /message/ and /inspired/
‘Lots to set up – podcasting is like a second job’
Podcast equipment
Samson Q2U ($60): https://www.amazon.com/Samson-Handheld-Microphone-Recording-Podcasting/dp/B001R747SG
Audacity to edit: https://www.audacityteam.org/
Podcast hosting: https://www.libsyn.com/ $5 per month
https://anchor.fm/ (free!) Or YouTube
An email from Victor from Valencia
I´ve been working on your podcasts for a few months and they´re strongly (really) helping me to hone my listening skills…Thanks a lot!! (hone=pulir, perfeccionar)
I enjoyed the episode on listening ( https://inglespodcast.com/256 ) and I agree with you that choosing a compelling topic is a key issue, if you want to be motivated to practising (practise) on a daily basis.
What works for me is watching on Youtube several BBC programs about politics in your country…Specially about Brexit which is a seamless and endless source of entertainment and fun (jeje!).
Among them, I often watch “Question Time” by Fiona Bruce, which enables me to listening to questions from ordinary English people.
I think it´s a good exercise for me, though it can be challenging to understand some people when the program goes to Newcastle or Birmingham.
Voice message from Josep – Barcelona
What’s the difference between target and goal?
Set a goal/target/objective (plan what you want to achieve)
Reach a target, reach a goal (achieve your aim)
miss the target (darts, archery)

Overshoot a target – exceed a set target/limit
Verb: to target = to try to reach and influence; to victimize.
eg.‘Who does this advertisement target?’; Racist attacks are targeting ethnic minorities.
miss the goal (football)
It’s been a lifelong goal of mine to write and perform a rap song (not Xa lifelong targetX)
This podcast is aimed at a target audience (Spanish speakers, B2 level and above)
purpose = Why you do something. You can also do something on purpose. (adrede) – I didn’t do it on purpose.
To aim – apuntar – to aim at a target
Target – meta, propósito, objetivo / el blanco, la diana (archery – tiro con arco)
Are you a goal-setter, a goal oriented person?
What’s the purpose of this podcast?
Some internet sites collect personal data to be able to target online advertising more precisely. Do you agree with this practice?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Visit our online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
Thank you to all our Patrons.
Thank you Bruno our Gold Sponsor who offers walking tours of Copenhagen – in English and Spanish – https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
Join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions transcribed by Angélica. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Jose Ezequiel Olano
Perla Guadalupe Jimenez Belmontes
Juan Comenge Acosta
On next week’s episode: Brand Loyalty and Customer Service
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Our Wonderful Podcast Patreons are:
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Copenhagen Walking Tour
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Eva Maria Elizalde Martinez
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Ivy Envy Podcast
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Rafael Castro Guzman
Jose Ezequiel Olano
Jose Ezequiel Olano
Perla Guadalupe Jimenez Belmontes
Radoslav Juan Comenge Acosta
Juan Comenge Acosta
Hello you two!!
Thank you very much for your clarification over target, goal, aim, objective… I can see is not cristal clear, but with practise and paying attetion to the context one can learn to use the proper option. I guess…
Also thank you to Reza “one thing man…” 🙂 for the correction on my wrong use of “long time since…+ positive”. It is amazing how mistakes can make one to progress in ,for instance, learning a language; provided somebody corrects you.
It is definitelly the best way to remember things. I’m sure I wont make that one again.
Besides that, I got yesterday my score on the PAU ( prova d’accès a la universitat). I am above the clouds!!! I score 8 !!! Not bad at all for a 54 years old fart!! So happy….!!!!!
Now let’s see where do I aim. Probably english philology, but we’ll see…
Thank you and sunny regards!!
Congratulations on the PAU score, Josep. That’s wonderful news! Looking forward to hearing about your future studies.
Thank you for your lessons!
It’s our pleasure, Susy. Thank you for listening!