Latest Episodes
The difference between even though, even if and even so – AIRC234
What’s the difference between even if, even so and even though? We’ll explain that in this episode. Hi to Isaac Mateus from Brazil. Thanks for listening! Voice message from Santiago from Mexico como quede = however it sounds You sound great! Tidal waves:
Words from Shakespeare – AIRC233
Scuffle, belongings, eyeball and cold-blooded are words invented by William Shakespeare. We’re going to explain these words, and more, in this vocabulary episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig We spoke about old English in episode Shakespeare is rightly credited with adding...
To Tip or Not to Tip – AIRC232
Should we tip in restaurants and cafes? What percentage is acceptable? Who should we tip and who shouldn’t we tip? We’ll be discussing this question in this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig we received an email from Fernanda from Uruguay. Hi...
Basic Legal English – AIRC231
We’re not lawyers, and we could not hope to give you a full course of legal English on a half-hour podcast. But we’ll do our best to cover basic vocabulary in this very legal podcast episode. Voice message from Leonel (Leo) from Mexico Some...
When to Use Never and Ever, Between and Within – AIRC230
When should you use ever and when should you use never? What’s the difference between within and between? Learn this, and more, on this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig Email from Patreon supporter Lucas Antonio from Santiago de Chile Hi Reza...
Diseases and Illnesses – AIRC229
How are you feeling today? We hope you’re well because today we’re talking about diseases and illnesses. You’ll learn how to talk about sickness, disease and illness. Welcome to Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig. Voice message from Marcos from Argentina Spends 30-40 minutes...