Latest Episodes
Body Language – AIRC238
How do you know when someone is lying to you? We’re going to help you understand people’s body language in this episode. Voice message from Eurico from Brazil who is coming to visit Spain. Go to Spain in December – We’re going – France...
Homonyms – AIRC237
In episode 235, we spoke about Homophones, words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and meanings. This week we’re speaking about homonyms. (homo = the same, nym = name) Homonyms are spelled the same and sound the same but they have different meanings....
How to use ALONG, reading in the IELTS exam and your questions answered – AIRC236
Audio message from Enrique to miss out Enrique moved from Colombia to Australia Along – preposition: Coco likes to walk along with us ( al lado, junto) when we go for a walk on the beach. There’s a cycle lane that runs along the...
Homophones – AIRC235
Thank you for being here. We hope you can hear us. Here – aqui, and hear – oír are homophones. That’s what we’re speaking about on today’s podcast. Welcome to Aprender Inglés with Reza and Craig. Email feedback from Alberto Gallego, who’s in Australia....
The difference between even though, even if and even so – AIRC234
What’s the difference between even if, even so and even though? We’ll explain that in this episode. Hi to Isaac Mateus from Brazil. Thanks for listening! Voice message from Santiago from Mexico como quede = however it sounds You sound great! Tidal waves:
Words from Shakespeare – AIRC233
Scuffle, belongings, eyeball and cold-blooded are words invented by William Shakespeare. We’re going to explain these words, and more, in this vocabulary episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig We spoke about old English in episode Shakespeare is rightly credited with adding...